Chapter 8 Cell Reproduction


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 8 Cell Reproduction SPI: 4.1 Identify the structure and function of DNA. 4.6 Describe how meiosis is involved in the production of egg and sperm cells. 4.7 Describe how meiosis and sexual reproduction contribute to genetic variation in a population. Conceptual Strand: Organisms reproduce and transmit hereditary information.

Chapter 8 Table of Contents Section 1 Chromosomes Cell Reproduction Table of Contents Section 1 Chromosomes Section 2 Cell Division Section 3 Meiosis

In the endoplasmic reticulum In the mitochondria Bellringer # 1 DNA is located _______. In the nucleus In the cytoplasm In the endoplasmic reticulum In the mitochondria Clear desk except for a highlighter, and Ch 10 scantron, and a test packet.

Mitosis is the process by which DNA is replicated Cytokinesis occurs. Bellringer # 2 Mitosis is the process by which DNA is replicated Cytokinesis occurs. Cells grow in size. A cell’s nucleus divides. Open text to pg 151. Set up notes for 8.1.

Chapter 8 Objectives Section 1 Chromosomes Describe the structure of a chromosome. Identify the differences in structure between prokaryotic chromosomes and eukaryotic chromosomes. Compare the numbers of chromosomes in different species. Explain the differences between sex chromosomes and autosomes. Distinguish between diploid and haploid cells.

DNA Structure DNA: Long, (3 billion nucleotides) thin molecule that stores genetic info in nucleus of eukaryotes. coiled, packaged, and organized into rod-shaped structures: chromosomes.

Chromosomes: made of DNA and protein. Section 1 Chromosomes Chapter 8 Chromosome Structure Chromosomes: made of DNA and protein. In eukaryotes, DNA wraps around histone proteins to help maintain compact structure.

Section 1 Chromosomes Chapter 8 Chromosome Structure

Chapter 8 Parts of a Chromosome Section 1 Chromosomes Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Chromosome Structure, continued Section 1 Chromosomes Chapter 8 Chromosome Structure, continued Chromosomes consist of 2 identical halves called chromatids. Identical chromatids are attached at a point called a centromere.

Chromosome Structure cont. When cell divides each half receives a chromatid. Chromatin: DNA’s not so tightly coiled stage that occurs between cell divisions.

Chromosome Numbers of Various Organisms Section 1 Chromosomes Chapter 8 Chromosome Numbers of Various Organisms

Chromosome Numbers, continued Section 1 Chromosomes Chapter 8 Chromosome Numbers, continued Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes Sex chromosomes determine the gender of an organism. Humans: XX=Female, XY=Male All other chromosomes in an organism are autosomes.

Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes Section 1 Chromosomes Chapter 8 Sex Chromosomes and Autosomes Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Every cell has 2 copies of each autosome (1 copy from each parent) called homologous chromosomes: the same size and shape, and carry genes for the same traits.

Chromosome Numbers, continued Section 1 Chromosomes Chapter 8 Chromosome Numbers, continued Diploid and Haploid Cells Cells having 2 sets of chromosomes are diploid (2n). All cells except for sex cells (sperm and egg). Haploid cells (1n) have only one set of chromosomes. Sperm and egg cells

Chapter 8 Karyotype Section 1 Chromosomes Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Chromosome Histone Chromatid Centromere Chromatin 8.1 Vocab Chromosome Histone Chromatid Centromere Chromatin 6. Sex chromosome 7. Autosome 8. Homologous Chromosome 9. Diploid 10. Haploid

Open text to pg 154. Set up notes for 8.2 Bellringer # 3 How many chromosomes are in the body cells of an organism that has a haploid number of 8? 4 8 12 16 Open text to pg 154. Set up notes for 8.2

Chapter 8 Objectives Section 2 Cell Division Describe the events of cell division in prokaryotes. Name the two parts of the cell that are equally divided during cell division in eukaryotes. Summarize the events of interphase. Describe the stages of mitosis. Compare cytokinesis in animal cells with cytokinesis in plant cells. Explain how cell division is controlled.

All cells come from the division of preexisting cells. Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 Cell Division All cells come from the division of preexisting cells. Cell division: process by which cells reproduce.

Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 Cell Division in Prokaryotes Prokaryotes: Have cell wall. No nucleus or membrane bound organelles. Circular chromosome. EX. Bacteria Binary fission: cell division in prokaryotes. Draw this figure

The repeating set of events in the life of a cell. Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 Cell Division in Eukaryotes Cell Cycle The repeating set of events in the life of a cell. Includes interphase, nuclear division, called mitosis, and the division of cytoplasm, called cytokinesis.

Interphase Period of growth and development where the DNA is copied. Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 Cell Division in Eukaryotes, continued Interphase Period of growth and development where the DNA is copied. consists of growth (G1), DNA replication or Synthesis (S), and preparation for cell division (G2).

Dense patches within the nucleus. Bacterial chromosomes. Bellringer # 4 Chromatids are Dense patches within the nucleus. Bacterial chromosomes. Duplicate halves of a chromosome. Prokaryotic nuclei. Open text to pg 156. Get out notes for 8.2. Turn in make-up work.

divided into 4 stages: PMAT Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 2. Mitosis-Division of Nucleus divided into 4 stages: PMAT

DNA coils into chromosomes. Nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear. A. Prophase: DNA coils into chromosomes. Nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear. Centrosomes move to opposite poles of cell. Spindle fibers form from centrosome.

Chromosomes line up in Middle of cell. B. Metaphase: Chromosomes line up in Middle of cell.

C. Anaphase Spindle fibers shorten and separate chromatids at centromere and move towards opposite poles.

Spindle fibers disassemble. Chromosomes uncoil to chromatin state D. Telophase Spindle fibers disassemble. Chromosomes uncoil to chromatin state Nuclear envelope and nucleolus form.

plant cells: cell plate separates cell into 2 cells. Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 3. Cytokinesis-Division of cytoplasm animal cells: cleavage furrow pinches in and separates cell into 2 cells. plant cells: cell plate separates cell into 2 cells.

Chapter 8 Comparing Cell Division in Plants and Animals Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 Comparing Cell Division in Plants and Animals Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Control of the Cell Cycle Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 Control of the Cell Cycle Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Cancer may result if cells do not respond to control mechanisms. Section 2 Cell Division Chapter 8 Control of Cell Division When Control is Lost: Cancer may result if cells do not respond to control mechanisms.

Binary Fission Interphase Mitosis Prophase Metaphase 8.2 Vocab Binary Fission Interphase Mitosis Prophase Metaphase 6. Anaphase 7. Telophase 8. Cytokinesis 9. Spindle Fibers 10. Cell plate

Diploid : body cell :: haploid : Sex chromosome Chromosome Bellringer # 5 Diploid : body cell :: haploid : Sex chromosome Chromosome Reproductive cell Zygote Clear desk.

Bellringer # 6 As a result of mitosis, each of the two new cells produced from the original cell during cytokinesis Receives a few chromosomes from the original cell. Receives an exact copy of all the chromosomes present in the original cell. Donates a chromosome to the original cell. Receives exactly half the chromosomes from the original cell. Open text to pg. 160. Set up notes for 8.3.

Chapter 8 Objectives Section 3 Meiosis Compare the end products of meiosis with those of mitosis. Summarize the events of meiosis I. Explain crossing-over and how it contributes to the production of unique individuals. Summarize the events of meiosis II. Compare spermatogenesis and oogenesis. Define sexual reproduction.

Meiosis process of nuclear division that produces 4 haploid gametes (reproductive cells, or egg and sperm).

Cell goes through interphase before going through meiosis I. Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Formation of Haploid Cells Cell goes through interphase before going through meiosis I. Meiosis I includes prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I.

This process is called synapsis. Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 A. Prophase I Same as Mitosis except for every chromosome lines up next to it’s homologue. This process is called synapsis. Each homologous pair of chromosomes: tetrad.

Crossing-over: when portions of homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material during prophase I results in genetic recombination.

Tetrads line up randomly along the dividing cell. B. Metaphase I Tetrads line up randomly along the dividing cell. Spindle fibers attach to centromere

results in genetic variation. C. Anaphase I Spindle fibers shorten, dragging a whole chromosome towards the centrosome. The random separation of homologous chromosomes: independent assortment results in genetic variation.

D. Telophase I and Cytokinesis I Chromosomes reach opposite ends of the cell, nuclear membrane forms, and cytokinesis begins. These 2 cells contain a haploid number of chromosomes.

Tetrads and Crossing-over of Genetic Material Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Tetrads and Crossing-over of Genetic Material Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Interphase does not happen before meiosis II. Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Meiosis II Interphase does not happen before meiosis II. Meiosis II includes prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II.

Prophase II—Cytokinesis II is the same as mitosis. Four new haploid cells result.

Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Stages of Meiosis

Grows new chromosomes from existing DNA. Bellringer # 7 A typical human cell contains 46 chromosomes. After mitosis and cytokinesis, each of the two new cells formed from the original cell Has 23 chromosomes. Grows new chromosomes from existing DNA. Has a complete set of 46 chromosomes. None of the above. Open text to pg 163. Get out notes from 8.3 Turn in Oreo Mitosis.

Comparing Meiosis and Mitosis Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Comparing Meiosis and Mitosis Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Spermatogenesis: process by which 4 sperm cells are produced. Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Development of Gametes Spermatogenesis: process by which 4 sperm cells are produced. Oogenesis: process that produces 1 mature egg cell and 3 polar bodies

Meiosis in Male and Female Animals Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Meiosis in Male and Female Animals

Sexual reproduction: union of a sperm and an egg. Section 3 Meiosis Chapter 8 Sexual Reproduction Sexual reproduction: union of a sperm and an egg. Offspring are genetically different from parents.

Chapter 8 Sexual Reproduction Section 3 Meiosis Click below to watch the Visual Concept. Visual Concept

Gamete Meiosis Zygote Synapsis Tetrad 8.3 Vocab Gamete Meiosis Zygote Synapsis Tetrad 6. Crossing over 7. Genetic Recombination 8. Independent assortment 9. Spermatogenesis 10. Oogenesis

The chromosomes line up at the equator in anaphase I. Bellringer # 8 The difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I of meiosis is that The chromosomes line up at the equator in anaphase I. Centromeres do not exist in anaphase I Chromatids do not separate at the centromeres in anaphase I. Crossing-over occurs only in anaphase of mitosis.

Separation of homologues occurs during Mitosis. Meiosis I. Meiosis II. Bellringer # 9 Separation of homologues occurs during Mitosis. Meiosis I. Meiosis II. Fertilization. Turn in notebook or sticky note. Clear desk except for pencil.