Vocabulaire 4.1 Français I
(not) a lot (not) very much
Not too much.
Not at all.
to do aerobics
to climb mountains
to do track and field
to box
to do gymnastics to exercise in general
to lift weights
to jog
to swim
to ice-skate
to do photography
to take pictures
to go hiking
to in-line skate
to (snow) ski
to water-ski
to surf
to do drama
to (mountain) bike
to make videos
to go sailing
to have (go on) a picnic
to play baseball
to play basketball
to play soccer
to play football
to play golf
to play hockey
to play video games
to play tennis
to play volleyball
to play cards
(introduces a yes-or-no question) literally: ‘‘Is it that . . . ?’’
nager = ?
faire = ?
jouer = ?