By : Kathy Garcia, Gabriela Juarez, and Daniel Streaty The Electric Motor By : Kathy Garcia, Gabriela Juarez, and Daniel Streaty
Michael Faraday Born on September 22,1791 in South London Due to being raised by a poor family he received a very basic education In 1821 he published a book on his work on electromagnetic information. 10 years later he came up with a discovery of the principal behind a electric transformer and generator. This discovery pushed and designed a new invention called the “electric motor”
Invented During the Industrial Revolution or Industrial meaning the large scale of introduction to manufacturing advanced technical enterprises and other productive economic activity ( The “induction ring” was the greatest discoveries which caused the first electric moor to be invented In 1831 Michael Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction or generation of electricity in a wire
The Way it Works “Faraday attached two wires through a sliding contact to a copper disc. By rotating the disc between the poles of a horse shoe magnet he attained a continuous direct current,”
Social Impact Positives It is used by many products Started cars, the blender, fan over the stove, and the microwave oven , ect. The electric motor is a major part of peoples lives Negatives Lost peoples jobs Lost the culture of hand labor
Economic Impact Positives Environmentally friendly Used less energy Improved society Negatives End of life (Hazardous waste) Metals and fossil fuels were limited
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