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Presentation transcript:

Do Now Take the Mod 55-56 practice quiz!

How do we relate to others? Social Relations Attraction Conflict and Prejudice Altruism and Peacemaking Aggression How do we relate to others?

Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination Undeserved (usually negative) attitude towards a group of people. Stereotype: Overgeneralized idea about a group of people. Discrimination: An action based on a prejudice.

Is it just race? NO Palestinians and Jews RHS and PHS Men and Women

Implicit Bias

How does prejudice occur? Just world Phenomenon In-Group versus Out-Groups. In-Group Bias Scapegoat Theory

Prejudices can often lead to a…. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy A prediction that causes itself to be true. Rosenthal and Jacobson’s “Pygmalion in the Classroom” experiment.

Psychology of Aggression Theories of Aggression: Bandura’s Modeling Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis

Aggression and TV = Watches By the time you are 18, you spend more time in front of TV than in school 2/3 of all homes have 3 or more sets & average 51 hours a week. By the time a child finishes elementary school they have witnessed 8000 murders and 100,000 other acts of violence on TV alone Over half of all deaths do NOT show the victim's pain As media use has grown exponentially, as does violent behavior- a strong positive correlation. How do you think media has effected sexual aggression?

Conflict A perceived incompatibility of actions, goals or ideas. Social trap or prisoner's dilemma.