The Birth of Modern America Ch 3 Notes The Birth of Modern America
Western Movement Gold Rush (1849) Comstock Load (1859) 1,000’s to CA Comstock Load (1859) VA City, NV Homestead Act (1862) Claim public land if lived on 5 years up to 160 acres!
Native American Wars Massacre at Sand Creek: 1864 150 killed Treaty of Fort Laramie: 1868 Little Bighorn: 1876 Custer’s last stand Wounded Knee: December 1890 300 unarmed Natives killed
Virgil Morgan Wyatt
Frank & Tom McLowery, and Billy Clanton Ike Clanton Doc Holliday
Jesse & Frank James
The Younger Brothers
Billy The Kid
Sundance Kid Butch Cassidy
Annie Oakley Wild Bill Calamity Jane Buffalo Bill
Belle Starr
Results Forced onto reservations Dawes Act Large scale buffalo hunting Natives lose their food and supplies Dawes Act Each head of household 160 acres to farm on the reservation
Free Enterprise Entrepreneurs Laissez-Faire Risk own money to start a business Laissez-Faire Let do, let people do as they choose Rely on supply and demand
Inventions/ Inventors Thomas Edison: Light bulb, phonograph, moving picture camera, etc… Samuel Morse: Telegraph Alexander Graham Bell: Phone
Automatic Stock Ticker
Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison
Samuel Morse
Alexander Graham Bell
Railroads For ease of transport, time zones are created. Charge more for short haul than for a long one. Sell their grant land to corporations instead of settlers
Transcontinental R.R. Began in 1863 From Omaha to Sacramento Central Pacific (Charles Crocker) Union Pacific (Grenville Dodge)
Charles Crocker
Leland Stanford
Grenville Dodge
Irish and Chinese build most of the system 1200 lost in Sierras May 10, 1869 it is completed at Promontory Point, Utah
Rise of Big Business Robber Barons Corporations People who loot an industry and give nothing back Corporations Owned by many, treated as a single person
John D. Rockefeller
Cornelius Vanderbilt
J.P. Morgan
Integrations (p. 249): Horizontal Vertical Purchase competing companies Vertical Purchase companies for all levels of production Creation of monopolies
Labor Unions Huge raise in standard of living Wages up 50% from 1860-1890 A lot of opposition Lockouts and use of scabs Haymarket Riot ends KOL RR Strike of 1877 and Pullman Strike of 1894 = Army sent in
A.F.L. (1886) Samuel Gompers Skilled workers No blacks, women, or immigrants Collective bargaining, closed shops, 8 hour workday
Samuel Gompers
Immigration See US as a sort of paradise Come in the 1,000’s Europeans arrive at Ellis Island Asians arrive at Angel Island Flee persecution, military service, poverty, work, etc…
Ellis Island
Arriving at Ellis Island
Statue of Liberty
Immigrants at Ellis Island
Health Check at Ellis
Angel Island
Immigration problems Rise in Nativism Too many Catholics and Jews Preference for native born people Too many Catholics and Jews Immigrants take jobs from Americans Work for lower wages, work as strike breakers
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 Not repealed until 1943 Overcrowding cities Segregated cities Poor sanitation, poor housing Tenements
Cities Begin growing up instead of out. Mass Transit developed Horse cars Trolleys Subways
City transportation
Rise of Political Machines Use immigrants to their advantage Accepted bribes, used graft, sod permits to friends, etc… Helped with assimilation
The Gilded Age Social Darwinism: “Survival of the fittest” Gospel of Wealth: Use fortunes to help society Realism: Arts, capture the world as they see it. (Mark Twain)
Leisure Time Watch sporting events Ride bicycles Theater Baseball (Cincinnati Red Stockings ,1869) Ride bicycles Theater Circus, Vaudeville, Burlesque
Social Gospel Improve city conditions by using Biblical principles of charity and justice. Jane Addams: Hull House Dwight L. Moody: Redeem soul and character