Learn to Excel with Excel With Jaime Introductions What do you think teachers use excel for the most? Grade Book What type of information do you think a teacher would want to be shown in their grade book? Each student’s grades for each assignment Assignment Averages for each student Standard Deviation of Tests Assignment Average for entire class Final Grades What type of data from their gradebook do you think teachers might have to present? Rubrics Final Grades for assignments and exams Transition Statement: What we are going to do today is use a sample gradebook to learn how to navigate functions, equations, and create diagrams in excel.
Data What do we want to know? What information do we want to present? This is the data that we will be using throughout the PD I have listed the information we want to know by the end of the PD What do we want to know? Average for each Assignment Standard Deviation for each Assignment Average HW Grade Average Test Grade Final Grade What information do we want to present? Graph of Final Grades Class Rubric Data
Average HW GRADE STEP 1: Create a Table Table Tab Create New Create a Table in Excel Average HW GRADE
Average HW GRADE Step 2 Enter Data into Table Insert Data Into Excel; have done already- this is time consuming Average HW GRADE
Average HW Grade Step 3: Add column for Average HW grade Step 4: Use formula for each student “=AVERAGE(Column Row # : Column Row #)” Says “Average of data from Column A Row N to Column B Row M” Calculate Average HW grades Average HW Grade
Average Test Grade Repeat Steps 1-4 for Test Average Calculate Test Average Average Test Grade
Average Grade for each Assignment Step 1: Create a Row for Average Grade Create row Average Grade for each Assignment
Average for each Assignment Step 2: Use the Formula below for each Assignment “=AVERAGE(Column Row # : Column Row #)” Says “Average of data from Column A Row N to Column B Row M” Calculate Average for each assignment Average for each Assignment
Standard Deviation for each Assignment Step 1: Create a Row for Standard Deviation Create Row Standard Deviation for each Assignment
Standard Deviation for each Assignment Step 2: Use the Formula below for each Assignment “=STDEV(Column Row # : Column Row #)” Says “standard deviation of data from Column A Row N to Column B Row M” Calculate Standard Deviation Standard Deviation for each Assignment
Creating Rubric Table Step 2: Enter Information Step 1: Create Table Create and Label Table Creating Rubric Table
Step 1: Create Column for Final Grade Add Column Calculate Final Grade
Calculate Final Grade Step 2: Write Equation to Calculate Average “=(HW AVG * HW Weight) + (Test AVG *TEST Weight) + (Final Exam * Final Weight)” Step 3: Use Equation to calculate final grade for each student Have done already-too time consuming Leave on undone to show people Calculate Final Grade
Create Graph of Final Grades Step 1: Go to charts tab Step 2: Select Type of Graph (Column) Step 3: Right Click and choose “select data” Step 4: Select Student Names for X-Axis Step 5: Select Final Grades For Y-Axis Step 6: Name Graph “Student Final Grades” Create Create Graph of Final Grades
Create Graph of Final Grades
Final Product
What we learned Any Questions? Functions Creating Table Average Standard Deviation Creating Table Creating Graphs Writing Equations Equations What we learned Any Questions?