Marxism, Leninism & the April Theses Lenin’s return COPY ME DOWN Marxism, Leninism & the April Theses
Lenin’s return to Russia Bolsheviks had virtually no role in Feb Rev Trotsky in New York Lenin in Switzerland Lenin returned to Russia with assistance of Germany Lenin arrived at Petrograd’s Finland Station on 3 April Immediately changed revolutionary dynamic Most of party believed country not ready for socialism & supported Prov Govt Lenin demanded Bolsheviks cease support for Prov Govt ‘All power to the soviets’ ‘Peace, bread & land’ April Theses – explained what Bolshevik policy was to be COPY ME DOWN
Marxism Based on writing of Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels. Written in mid-1800s – a time of rigid and wide class differences Basic elements contained in the communist manifesto, published in 1848. Believed ultimately that oppressed classes would revolt and overthrow ruling classes to create a classless / communist state. Encouraged workers to seize power by revolution. Rejected existing capitalist society which Marx believed was inevitably doomed by its own structure. Demise of capitalism = inevitable
Marxism Marx saw history in terms of class struggle – “the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle.” A class would eventually be faced with the need to revolt because it had been excluded from the ‘means of production’ and a fair share of the profits of their labour. Marx saw things from the perspective of 19th century – a time when class struggle and differences dominated society. Argued their existed a ‘scientific’ process of social evolution. Meant that, for example, feudal society would eventually transform into capitalist society which would, inevitably transform into socialist society. His ideas motivated many revolutionaries and revolutions.
So, what’s the point of Marxism? In the last stage of history—the one in which Marx and Engels thought they were living—the proletariat, or working class, is pitted against the bourgeoisie, or capitalist class. As the bourgeoisie continues to accumulate wealth by exploiting the proletariat, the disparity between the two classes increases, eventually making the condition of the proletariat so desperate that it must resort to violent revolution. The result will be the overthrow of the bourgeoisie and the establishment of a proletarian dictatorship. Eventually the proletarian state will “wither away” because it will be unnecessary, and a fully communist society, in which there are no class divisions, will emerge.
Communism Political and economic system in which major productive resources in a society – such as mines, factories & farms – are owned by the public or the state (government) and wealth is divided equally among citizens or according to need. Term refers to the ideal type of society envisioned by Karl Marx – classless society. Attempts at forming communist states were made in Russia, china and other countries in the 20th century. form of socialism Major force in world politics for most of 20th century.
Leninism ?
Leninism COPY ME DOWN Vladimir Lenin was influenced by & followed many of the ideas of Karl Marx. However, he also added to and modified the theories of Marxism, Socialism & Communism to explain what he believed should be done in Russia. His revolutionary philosophies are referred to as Marxism- Leninism.
Leninism Needed to be a small revolutionary Party of professional, dedicated revolutionaries to lead revolution. Would act as vanguard of working class who would not attain a revolutionary consciousness without the party’s guidance. No room for sentiment. Capitalism = bankrupt system which would collapse in series of wars over resources & territory. This would lead to civil wars and class conflict, which would then facilitate the socialist revolution. Believed this revolution would start in a relatively undeveloped country and then spread to other countries. Believed revolution would start in Russia.
So, Leninism… COPY ME DOWN Party should be centralized & hierarchical. Revolution would be accomplished by small group of professional, dedicated revolutionaries. They were needed to develop the revolutionary consciousness of workers and focus their actions – to educate them in socialist thinking. Revolution would occur during a period of conflict between capitalist powers (i.e. WW1) and that it would occur in a weak / underdeveloped country (Like Russia) and then spread to more industrialised countries. Believed Russia did not have to have a fully fledged capitalist system before socialism could be achieved (as opposed to Marx). Did not think middle classes in Russia strong enough to carry through bourgeois- democratic revolution. Believed working class could develop a revolutionary government of it own with poor peasants who had a history of mass action in Russia – the bourgeois and socialist revolution could be rolled into one.
The April Theses Read p. 74-75 of your book. Answer q. 1-8 on p.75