UNIT VI: “The Gilded Age.” 1865-1914
UNIT VI: “The Gilded Age.” So, what is it all about? “The transformation of the United States from an agricultural to an increasingly industrialized and urbanized society brought about significant political, economic, diplomatic, social, environmental and cultural changes.” -A.P. Framework
UNIT VI: “The Gilded Age.” “It was a time when the great business leaders of the country such as J.P. Morgan and Henry Ford, along with great inventors such as Thomas Edison, seemed to have more power to make things happen than the Presidents and government of the period.” Hmmm….Why was this so? -Mr. S
UNIT VI LAYOUT: PAGEANT: PART FOUR 1865-1909. Pg. 487 CHAPTER 23: Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age: 1869-1896 pg. 488 CHAPTER 24: Industry Comes of Age: 1865-1900 pg. 512 CHAPTER 25: America Moves to the City: 1865-1900 pg. 539 CHAPTER 26: The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution: 1865-1896 pg. 575
UNIT VI LAYOUT: KAPLAN: UNIT 6: 1865-1898. Pg. 245 CHAPTER 18: The Rise of Big Business. Pg. 245 CHAPTER 19: The Birth of an Industrial Culture. Pg. 255 CHAPTER 20: New Cultural and Intellectual Movements KAPLAN: UNIT 7: 1890-1945 Pg. 281 CHAPTER 21 (PARTIAL): Pg. 281-283
UNIT VI:CHAPTER 23 I. LEARNING TARGETS: A. I can describe how Politically it was a time of corruption at all levels of government with little reform. B. I can explain how Economically it was a time of Boom and Bust with several panics and recessions. C. I understand why Socially several groups were left out of this “Gilded Age” such as African Americans, factory workers, immigrants and women.
UNIT VI:CHAPTER 23 II. “The Era of Good Stealings.” A. The Post Civil War North B. The Grant Presidency -Credit Mobilier Scandal -The Panic of 1873 C. Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall
UNIT VI:CHAPTER 23 D. Thomas Nast does what no one else will.
UNIT VI:CHAPTER 23 E. Politics and Patronage (Pageant Pg. 492-93) 1. Why the Gilded Age? Twain. 2. Patronage goes beyond the “Spoils System.” 3. The Compromise of 1877.
UNIT VI:CHAPTER 23 III. Those not included in the “Gilded Age.” The Birth of Jim Crow. B. The Chinese Exclusion Act. C. The Birth of the “Populist Party.”