Application of PED and SPVD in Poland - Mr Andrzej Ziółkowski, Office of Technical Inspection UDT Mrs Ewa Garstka Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour
Main EU act on pressure equipment Directives with reference to pressure sector 99/36/EC, ->(ADR - 94/55/EC, RID- 96/49/EC), TPED 97/23/EC, PED 87/404/EEC, SPVD 84/525/EEC, 84/526/EEC, 84/527/EEC, 76/767/EEC
97/23/EC Directive -PED Main goals - to harmonise specific national regulation to current technical development and standards. - not define strict method and form of implementation of the directive - only technical goals are described - to allow free circulation of pressure equipment on the common market - to allow grow of technical development due to lack of definition any specific solution of technical problems - support competition on the common market
PED and SPVD in Poland - The basis for implementation of New Approach Directives (CE marking) is an Act of Polish Parliament on System of Conformity Assessment of 30 August 2002 (O. J. 2004.204.2087). Regulation of Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy of 8 May 2003 on essential requirements for pressure equipment and pressure assembles (O.J 2003.99.912 and 2004.175.1818) is implementation of PED. Regulation of Ministry of Economy, Labour and Social Policy of 12 May 2003 on essential requirements for Simple Pressure Vessels (O.J 2003.98.898) is implementation of SPVD.
Harmonised standards supporting PED and SPVD Harmonised Standards published in Official Journal of UE have priority in transposing them into Polish standard system. As a rule harmonised standards are translated into Polish language. Some of harmonise standards are in the first step accepted in English version (only cover page is in Polish) and, in the second step they are translating into Polish.
Harmonised standards List of Polish harmonised standards is published: in Polish Monitor, MP On web page of Polish Committee for Standardisation:
Accessible source of information for Polish pressure sector Ministry of Economy and Labour Office of Protection of Consumer and Concurrency, UOKiK Internet on the web pages,,,, Notified Bodies in the range of their activity
Polish Notified Bodies - PED Urząd Dozoru Technicznego; Instytut Spawalnictwa Centralny Ośrodek Chłodnictwa „COCH” Instytut Nafty i Gazu Instytut Techniki Grzewczej i Sanitarnej Polski Rejestr Statków S.A. Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów Transportowy Dozor Techniczny
Conclusion Existed Polish regulation and standards enable to apply concept of PED, SPV Supervision and updating with regard to harmonised standards is carried out by Polish Committee of Standardisation There are strong initiative – Centre of Technical Safety, CBT, to create a favourable environment for the consistent proper application of the European law established by the New and Global Approach directive.
Thank you for attention