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Presentation transcript:


Botswana Harvard AIDS Institute Partnership, Gaborone, Botswana- Rosemary Musonda Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre/KCRI, Moshi Tanzania-Gibson Kibiki Tropical Diseases Research Centre, Ndola Zambia-Modest Mulenga Mc Gill AIDS Centre, Mc Gill University Montreal, Canada-Mark Wainberg Harvard School of Pubic Health, Harvard University Boston USA-Max Essex

BHP- Joseph M Makhema, MD, Takafira Mduluza, PhD, Priti Dusara, MD. Hermann Bussmann, MD, MPH KCMC-Saidi Kapiga MD DrPh, Gibson Kibiki MD, Ireen Kiwelu, MSc, and Noel Sam, MD. TDRC-Victor Chalwe MD MPH, Gershom Chongo MD MPH, Chanda Mulenga MSc David Mwakazanga MSc McGill-: B. Bremmer, PhD, and Florence Douala- Bell, PhD. Harvard HSPH-Vladimir Novitsky MD, PhD, and Victor DeGruttolla PhD Biostatistics

Strengthen clinical trials capacity through south south networking between BHP,KCMC,TDRC and north south networking with Mc Gill and Harvard universities; To expand capacity to conduct various HIV/AIDS prevention trials including vaccines using our comparative advantage for strength in expertise;

To train several young scientist for Masters of Science degree in biomedical sciences, bioinformatics or biostatistics; to strengthen the capacity of post doctoral scientist in project management and supervision of young scientist in research activities; to build capacity in the weaker site particularly the TDRC, Ndola, through learning by doing and short term training;

to strengthen the capacity of institution review boards/ethics committee and to provide platforms for advocacy and dialogue with communities and policymakers to support HIV/AIDS prevention trials including HIV vaccine research and development in Africa..

Although the BHP has been able to conduct trials in HIV prevention the trials were heavily dependent on expertise from Harvard and the US NIH CTU networks for design, statistical analysis, the training of clinical and laboratory personnel from GCP and GCLP, and the generation and selection of candidates products for testing in the trails. The institute also lacks experience and expertise for designing HIV efficacy vaccine trials. In addition it needs to build a local cadres of expertise in biostatistics, clinical and best sciences in order to sustain future HI/AIDS prevention trails

KCMC-KCRI needs includes the areas of research management and administration, GCP/ GCLP, GCLP, and in development of laboratory facilities for viral genotyping and other molecular techniques, monitoring safety of trial participants for HIV prevention among high-risk women and preparation for clinical trials to assess the protective efficacy of HIV candidate vaccines in Mwanza and Kilimanjaro & to improvement of the MSc in Clinical trials curriculum and course support.

The TDRC require capacity strengthening in HIV/AIDS prevention research technologies and clinical trials.This include advanced training in GCP, GCLP, quality laboratory management, hierological and immunological makers and other molecular techniques and study designs etc. They will participate as a network collaborator in the BHP demonstration project in Mochudi with considerable promise to build more expertise in the area of HIV prevention trials.

McGill AIDS centre will provide expertise in HIV transmission clusters of HIV-1 based on sequencing analysis of viral polymerase genes using the Mochudi demonstration project for the network team to transfer to their projects. In addition, the AIDS Centre will conduct trainings in sequence analysis and interpretation of drug resistance results and other HIV diagnostic techniques related to understanding the transmission of circulating strains of viruses for future prevention strategies vaccine designs.

The HAI is committed to train African scientists in advanced molecular virology and immunological techniques through learning by doing in the BHP laboratory in Botswana and selected individual will be attached in Maxs lab in Harvard Boston. Clinicians will be attached to the Mochudi projects to train and gain practical experience in various prevention trials, study design and project managements skills.

The dept of statistics will provide short courses on quantitative analysis of data at BHP in collaboration University of Botswana dept of Statistics. A selected number of students from African will be attached to the dept in Boston to work on their data or data from completed randomized clinical trails conducted at BHP. Dept of Biostatics will offer the McGoldrick fellowship to senior scientist to spend three months n Harvard to be mentored on Biostatistics. randomized clinical trails conducted at BHP. In addit

Long term training of research fellows for Master of Science Degree(MSc) and Post doctoral fellows: MSc students will be enrolled at the KCMC – Tumani University College for training in clinical research, microbiology or immunology. Students will be exposed to Mochudi study in Botswana as a community demonstration study area. Possible long distance training and courses will be supported especially MSC epidemiology and other related to the projec

Post doctoral fellows and MDs will be engaged in various research activities of their interest including research management skills, study design and data collection, laboratory analysis data analysis Expected outcomes: Increased human capital to conduct research in HIV prevention in Africa and ability to compete for grants and become investigators

Short Term Training in biostatistics and epidemiology, in clinical trials design, advanced laboratory techniques HIV/AIDS management and GCP/GCLP and QA/QC, project and data management and other clinical trials related trainings. the McGoldrick fellowship for senior scientist to go to Harvard in Boston. The McGoldrick will be free of charge for the TanZamBo network courtesy of HSPH dept of Biostatistics.

HSPH –HAI will offer short course on characterization of HIV-1 relevant to for vaccine designs. The Mc Gill AIDS centre Group will provide training in virological markers as trial end points ii) HIV sequence signature matching and ultra sensitive drug resistance testing

SHORT TERM TRAINING Other courses will include clinical effectiveness, advanced HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, training in GCP, GCLP quality management systems and grant writing and these courses will be held locally with co funds from other capacity training grants such as EDCTP Expected outcomes: strong competent cadre of scientist/ researchers with increased capacity to publish in peer review journals

In addition to exchange visits of scientist and project managers, the African network will initiate an exchange undergraduates exchange program for interns from TanZamBo countries to be exposed to HIV prevention research their long vacation. Joint Yearly TanZamBo forum and meetings and conference calls. Expected outcome: Strong networks of researchers, with joint publications

To up grade, and equip research labs and clinical trails units and related facilities at various sites Expected outcome: Improved efficiency, quality of results and research environment.

Community advisory board (CAB) engagement in HIV prevention research training in basic facts, in prevention technologies and HIV vaccine issues, ethical issues; support to CABs in community sensitization activities; training in leadership, advocacy skills for HIV prevention : Expected outcome: To have informed and supportive communities.

Strengthening of Review Boards: include refresher training of institutional and national review boards or ethics committees in in human subject research with respect ethic and informed consents in prevention trials. Expected outcome: Increased capacity and efficiency in reviewing proposals

Creating Platforms for dialogue with policy makers and researcher for advocacy on HIV/AIDS prevention research and trials through joint meeting with SADC secretariat and to target SADC parliamentary committees, or heads of states summits at the regional level and country meetings. Dialogue with local politicians, government bureaucrats, other policy makers in country on importance of HIV prevention trials, research needs,(technical and financial) and advocacy strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention and technologies, and future vaccines research.

The project will assemble a team of experts to come and monitor and peer review the project activities and project outcomes and process indicators set in the activity plan. Expected Outcomes: Positive progress report that informs project management and stakeholders

Creating Platforms for dialogue with policy makers and researcher for advocacy on HIV/AIDS prevention research and trials through joint meeting with SADC secretariat and to target SADC parliamentary committees, or heads of states summits at the regional level and country meetings. Dialogue with local politicians, government bureaucrats, other policy makers in country on importance of HIV prevention trials, research needs,(technical and financial) and advocacy strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention and technologies, and future vaccines research.

Project was launched in Lusaka with a Scientific Conference Focused on HIV prevention research presented by various partners within TanZamBo and other partners working in Zambia such as Zambia Emory, Partners in Prevention in Microbicide, project, CIRDZ (University of Alabama Networking Discussions on Capacity Building with higher institution of Learning including University of Zambia, Emory Harvard, McGill, Alabama and other institute.

Shaping Up the Network research Project for our post docs and Fellowship: Possible network proposal being formulated and drafted to form a backbone for future projects for our MSc fellows Fellows selected and applied to Tumaini University at KCMC and awaiting to start the MSc program in October- two year program in Microbiology, immunology & molecular biology or MSc in Clinical Research. One year in class and second year research in their own countries.

Creating Platforms for dialogue with policy makers and researcher for advocacy on HIV/AIDS prevention research and trials through joint meeting with SADC secretariat and to target SADC parliamentary committees, or heads of states summits at the regional level and country meetings. Dialogue with local politicians, government bureaucrats, other policy makers in country on importance of HIV prevention trials, research needs,(technical and financial) and advocacy strategies for HIV/AIDS prevention and technologies, and future vaccines research.

Total budget is CAD-1.3 million BHP WILL BE MAIN RECIPIENT FOR SOUTHERN PARTNERS- Approximately CAD 1 Million McGill will be a Recipient for Northern Partners –CAD-300,000 BHP will sub grant to Zambia and Botswana

The project will assemble a team of experts to come and monitor and peer review the project activities and project outcomes and process indicators set in the activity plan. Expected Outcomes: Positive progress report that informs project management and stakeholders.

The Global Health Research Initiative, IDRC and All the funders for the support Dr Mark Wainberg Dr Max Essex Dr Saidi Kapiga Dr Gibson Kibiki Dr J Shao Dr Modest Mulenga Dr Victor Chalwe Dr Joe Makhema Ms Chanda Mukenga The BHP Team