English IV Roots List 13
Chrom: Color
Monochromatic Definition: (adj) having one color Example: The bride wanted her wedding color scheme to be monochromatic, with no bright colors to take the attention off of her dress.
Achromatic Definition: (adj) free from color Example: While touring the achromatic art exhibit, it became a little boring when none of the paintings contained color.
Chromatics Definition: (adj) pertaining to colors Example: After the thunderstorm, Sarah noticed a chromatic display in the sky but unsure if it was a rainbow.
Chromosome Definition: (noun) proteins carrying genetic information in cells Example: A chromosome is the cell organelle that contains the genes that define an organism’s traits.
Medi: Middle
Medieval Definition: (adj) relating to the Middle Ages Example: Knights were some of the most important people during medieval times.
Medium Definition: (adj) about halfway between two extremes Example: When in doubt, go with the medium choice
Mediocre Definition: (adj) of moderate quality Example: George will never get promoted if he keeps doing mediocre work.
Mediate Definition: (verb) intervene between people in a dispute Example: According to the contract, an arbitrator will mediate the business dispute between the two firms.
Ir: Not
Irregular Definition: (adj) not even or balanced Example: The trains run on an irregular schedule, frustrating commuters.
Irredeemable Definition: (adj) not able to be saved Example: Her grades were too low and became irredeemable.
Irrational Definition: (adj) not logical or reasonable Example: My irrational horror of heights prevents me from flying.
Irreparable Definition: (adj) impossible to fix Example: Jan and Tom are house hunting because the hurricane left their residence in an irreparable condition.
Ject: Throw
Reject Definition: (verb) dismiss as inadequate Example: The chef will reject any produce that doesn’t look fresh.
Eject Definition: (verb) force or throw out Example: When the unruly patron began to throw things in the restaurant, the manager quickly decided to eject the man onto the sidewalk in front of the restaurant.
Interject Definition: (verb) to say something abruptly Example: If the speaker does not interject excitement in his speech soon, he’ll probably see members of his audience fall asleep.
Project Definition: (verb) extend out past something Example: He projected the ball past the receiver.
Min: Small
Minority Definition: (noun) the smaller number or part Example: While most of her friends yearned to go to prom, she was among the minority who despised school dances.
Miniscule Definition: (adj) extremely small or tiny Example: Compared to the gigantic medical tools of the past, today’s medical equipment is minuscule.
Minutiae Definition: (noun) the small details of something Example: In the world of psychology, there is no such thing as minutiae because every detail of a person’s life matters.
Miniature Definition: (adj) a much smaller size than normal Example: Even though the miniature horses could not be ridden due to their small height and weight, they were just as strong enough to pull a cart like the regular horses.