Healthy Novato Leadership NUSD School Board June 19, 2018
Healthy Novato Initiative Thank you to the Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Fund for making contributions to Novato Unified School District and the Novato Community to strengthen our youth’s ability to make healthier choices and reduce risk-taking behaviors, especially in the areas of alcohol and marijuana.
How does Healthy Novato contribute to NUSD’s Graduate Profile & Equity Imperative Through participation in HNI-funded programs, students are able to strengthen skills as identified under the Conscientious Learner, Cultural Competence, and Character social skills. HNI funded programs must align their practices with Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) National Standards. All HNI partners participated in the District Advisory Council, furthering their alignment of programs with the Graduate Profile and Equity Imperative.
Healthy Novato Four Goals for Funding Support community engagement in Healthy Novato from public & private agencies and at grassroots levels Increase parents/caregivers’ competence and confidence to successfully assume their role as the primary influence in their children’s decisions regarding risk-taking behaviors Build trust among young people so they feel safe to turn to adults and institutions in their lives that support them in making healthy decisions regarding risk-taking behaviors Increase young people’s competence and confidence in their own ability to make healthy decisions regarding risk-taking behaviors
Healthy Novato Driving Question How can we as a Healthy Novato Leadership Team continue to deepen our work together and collaborate on common activities focused on three Social Skill C’s? Conscientious Learner Cultural Competency Character
Home Visits 149 Campus Checks 2737 Behavior / Defiance 241 Potential Criminal Investigations 106 Under the Influence (Alcohol or drugs) 35 SARTS/ SARB Cases 211 Drills – Lockdown, Fire, Disaster 41
Students served in 2016/2017 Students served 2017- June 7, 2018 Middle School 28 referrals 80 Sessions 43 referrals 116 Sessions High School 44 Referrals 77 Sessions 68 Referrals 119 Sessions The majority of sessions were for vaping and marijuana use
Social marketing campaigns and Healthy Novato landing page Marijuana Education social media campaign (English/Spanish): Nov’17-Jan’18 (40 days) 25,000 impressions; 5,367 people reached in Novato; high engagement (next year Vaping) Graduation/Prom campaign (Eng/Sp), Spring 2018 Bully prevention engagement: July 4th parade, Novato Chamber’s Scream on the Green Promotores Program Group presentations (ELAC, church, other), Community groups/event education, Radio shows, in-home Cafecitos, 3-series parenting classes, 1-session workshop Mental health Training Capacity/Professional Development Training to HNI and NUSD staff: “Substance abuse (AOD) is a family disease and there is hope.” School-based Counseling partners part of HNI Coordinating Team 7 NUSD school campuses, plus Newcomers groups at Novato and San Marin High: 450 served (57% students; 43% their parents/guardians), 3,649 Interventions, 30 Crisis Interventions
Friday Night Live/Club Live Student Advocacy Councils Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) builds communities where young people and their adult allies come together to create positive social change. Friday Night Live/Club Live 100+ meetings Novato, San Marin, and Marin Oaks FNL Chapters Social norm campaigns Awareness around vaping Support for housing insecure folks Hamilton Club Live Housing focus group Student Advocacy Councils 100+ meetings SACs at all secondary school sites along with a districtwide SAC. Partner with school site & District leaders Focus areas: equity, transportation, food, dress code, social inclusion, school safety, academic achievement, drug use, wellness, support for ELL students, and extracurricular activities. FNL/CL 90 meetings SAC 100 SAC
YMCA Restorative Solutions program reinforces Novato Unified School District’s focus on social and academic skill building. Our program goals support students in being conscientious learners by promoting self-advocacy and reflection, as well as emotional well-being. Peer Court: For grades 6-12 to provide a peer response to disciplinary issues, and school rule violations. Elementary School Restorative Justice: Used as a comprehensive plan to build community, foster caring relationships, provide opportunities for meaningful participation and contribution, and provide a restorative response to disciplinary issues, and school rule violations Total students served 2017/18: 621 (grades K-12) Total Days Diverted 2017/18: 354 High School: 195 Middle School: 107 Middle and High School students completed 345 hours of community service in addition to completing 491 jury duties helping other students at their schools
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