Internet Governance in Middle East


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Presentation transcript:

Internet Governance in Middle East 2018.7.12 Abdelhamid Al Abbadi 2018 APSIG rev2018.5.31

Agenda Introduction. Organizational structure. Arab Roadmap on Internet Governance. Strategic priorities for the Arab region. AIGF meetings. The achievement of AGIF goals

The Arab IGF The Arab Internet Governance Forum (AIGF) was established in 2012, within the framework of the regional roadmap initiative for Internet governance in the Arab region (ARMIG 1).

Organizational structure The Arab Internet Governance Forum (Arab IGF) was established under the joint umbrella of the League of Arab States (LAS), and ESCWA in the light of their roles in the roadmap initiative for Internet governance in the Arab region.

First Arab Roadmap for Internet Governance The Arab Regional Roadmap for Internet Governance was envisioned by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) to fulfill this need, by presenting a clear strategic framework for tackling Internet governance matters from a regional perspective.

The components Principles of Internet Governance A methodology for designing, managing and implementing the roadmap. Priority areas for the region presented as sub-programmes in the log frame.

Principles for Internet governance Democratic and collaborative governance. Functionality, security and stability. Innovation. Legal and regulatory frameworks. Standardization and interoperability. Unaccountability of the network. Universality of Internet access.

Methodology and logical framework ARMIG 1 was designed as logical framework known technically as "logframe“, the logframe design methodology is usually adopted by international agencies (mainly UN).

Internet governance priorities and sub-programmes Institutional Empowerment. Critical Internet Resources. Access. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. Security. Openness.

Strategic priorities for the Arab region (ARMIG 2) Meaningful access for inclusion. Trust and security. Institutional Empowerment. Internet innovations and emerging eco-systems. Human Development. Critical Internet Resources and Internet infrastructure. Cultural and Linguistic Diversity.

AIGF meetings AIGF-IV: Beirut, 2015 December 17-18, its theme was "Digital Economy for Sustainable Development". AIGF-III: Beirut, 2014 November 25-27, its theme was "Enabling Environment" AIGF-II: Algiers, 2013 October 1-3, its theme was "Partners for Development". AIGF-I: Kuwait, 2012 October 9-11, its theme was "A Better Internet for A Better Arab World".

The achievement of AIGF goals 77% of the respondents agree that the forum has achieved the objective of discussing Internet governance policy issues. • 79% agree that the Forum has achieved the objective of facilitating the exchange of information and practices. • 64% agree that the Forum has achieved the objective of bringing together multi-stakeholder views. • 74% agree that the Forum has achieved the objective of discussing emerging technology topics. • 72% agree that the Forum has achieved the goal of contributing to capacity building and development. 65% agree that the Forum achieved the goal of transferring the Arab perspective to the global level. • 73% agree that the Forum achieved the goal of communicating with regional and global Internet governance forums.