Nervous System By the end of the lesson you should be able to Describe the basic structure & function of the human nervous system. Describe how the the central nervous system (CNS) & peripheral nervous system (PNS) work together to send information from senses to the CNS and back to muscles by action of the PNS. This Powerpoint is hosted on Please visit for 1000+ free powerpoints
Neuron – the functional unit
3 main types of nerve cells sensory neuron interneuron motor neuron
Sensory neurons Carries impulses from receptors e.g pain receptors in skin to the CNS( brain or spinal cord)
Interneuron “Relay neuron” Carries impulses from sensory nerves to motor nerves.
Motor neuron Carries impulses from CNS to effector e.g. muscle to bring about movement or gland to bring about secretion of hormone e.g ADH
Nerve Impulse nervous system
Brain components nervous system
Build-A-Brain on your Maniken
Transmission of signals
Reflex arc reflec arc more detail reflex
Reflex arc Sensory neurone Relay neurone Grey matter Motor neurone Receptors in skin cells Relay neurone Grey matter Motor neurone Effector (muscle) reflex arc bbc
The Synapse parkinson parkinsons