Data collected 9/10/2006 Presented by Maureen Gregory CATLIN LAKE Data collected 9/10/2006 Presented by Maureen Gregory
Weather during collection Mostly sunny, clear ~ light breeze of about 5mph from the North Scattered clouds Fog just lifted
YSI – Averages from data Temperature - 17.46 degrees C Conductivity – 27.52uS/cm DO% - 72.60% DO Conc. – 6.9mg/L pH – 6.26 ORP – 162.35mV Nitrate – 0.75mg/L Turbidity – 1.27NTU
Light data (Partially collected a week later by Jason, thanks Jason) Secchi depth – vanished at 3.6 reappeared at 3.5 Light meter gave a range of 450 – 0.3 - big drop came after 2m, and then another one after the 4th and 5th meters
Chlorophyll data Silica data Epi. 71.3 Conc. Abs. Epi. 12.84 0.213 Meta. 25.7 Hypo. 13.8 Silica data Conc. Abs. Epi. 12.84 0.213 Meta. 8.52 0.168 Hypo. 21.2 0.299
Phytoplankton Only able to find 28 in the samples retrieved Most common was a Chrysophyte, 9 were found in the epi. Second most common was a flagellate, 6 were found in the epi.
Zooplankton – Schindler Trap 73 specimens were found in 9 subsamples of the three layers Callanoid copepods were the most common in all three layers, 55 found total 15 Daphnia were found in the hypolimnion, only 2 were found in the epilimnion Also found a Chonochilus rotifer in the epi.
Zooplankton – Net tows In 6 subsamples of the two tows, 168 individuals were found 56 Callanoid copepods in the first tow; along with 5 Daphnia and 2 copepod Nauplius 93 Callanoid copepods in the second tow; along with 12 Daphnia