Receptors and Effectors What are receptors and effectors and to what do they respond? Starter: What are the 5 senses. What are the stimuli for these? What detect the stimuli? Stimulus: a change in the environment that causes a response.
outline the key components involved in neuron coordination in the case of simple reflexes categorise the types of receptor needed to detect different stimuli explain that receptors can be single cells or grouped into complex organs investigate the location of specific receptors in the eye explain that effectors are organs that contain muscles or glands which allow the body to respond to stimuli
Complete the jigsaw puzzle and use the information to label you eye diagram. MAKE JIGSAW – print picture and label and cut up.
Light is focused by the cornea and lens onto light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye. These cells are receptors. They trigger nerve impulses to the brain.
Light is focused by the cornea and lens onto light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye. These cells are receptors. They trigger nerve impulses to the brain.
Eyes as effectors Lights on / off game.
Effectors Can you name some effects? Burn hand Chased by a bear Bright light in eyes. Ball thrown at head.
Hormones are released when a nerve impulse reaches glands such as the ovaries and pancreas. Hormones have a slower and longer-lasting effect than a nerve impulse.
Difference between hormonal and nervous responses. Complete the card sort and use it to help you describe the differences and similarities between hormonal and nervous responses.
Linking receptors and effectors. If you stick your hand on a pin, you move it away. What happens in between to make this happen??
Complete the first part of the worksheet.
What special features does this cell have to help it do its job? A motor neuron carries signals to an effector. long axon to transmit electrical impulses between central nervous system and effector myelin sheath to insulate the axon, and speed up transmission of electrical impulses add an arrow to show the direction of the nerve impulse add other labels common to typical animal cells Is this an effector or receptor neurone?
A motor neuron carries signals to an effector.
A Reflex Arc A simple reflex arc. Your body responds to the pain stimulus in the correct way – even before you have realised what has happened.
What happens if …. You’ve just baked an AWESOME cake for your mums birthday! WOO HOO. But OH NO You have forgotten to wear oven gloves.! What do you do?!
Modifying simple reflex reactions. Enter …
Complete the rest of the worksheet on the CNS and PNS
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