MA5: 2-Digit Addition Section 2, Unit 1 YUMI DEADLY CENTRE School of Curriculum Enquiries: +61 7 3138 0035 Email: Measurement Games and Activities MA5: 2-Digit Addition Section 2, Unit 1 Restricted waiver of copyright This work is subject to a restricted waiver of copyright to allow copies to be made for educational purposes only, subject to the following conditions: All copies shall be made without alteration or abridgement and must retain acknowledgement of the copyright. The work must not be copied for the purposes of sale or hire or otherwise be used to derive revenue. The restricted waiver of copyright is not transferable and may be withdrawn if any of these conditions are breached. YuMi Deadly Maths Past Project Resource
Measurement Activities Booklet ASISTM Cherbourg-Woorabinda project Measurement Activities Booklet Section 2, Unit 1 2-DIGIT ADDITION GAMES AND ACTIVITIES Contents Card games Pages 2-6 Cover-the-board game Page 7 Mix and match cards Pages 8-14 Bingo Pages 15-22 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
2-DIGIT ADDITION CARD GAMES Materials: Four pages of pictures following these instructions (symbols, number lines, measuring tape, algorithms) Number of players: 2 Directions: Print the four pages in 4 different colours, laminate and cut each page into 12 cards (making 48 cards of 4 different colours). Shuffle the cards. Follow instructions for these games: Snap. Two players, cards divided equally between players. Together, the two players play the top card of their deck face up in front of them. First to call snap when two cards show the same operation wins a point. The player with the most points wins when all cards played. Rummy. Two to four players, deal out 7 cards to each player. Remaining cards face down in middle with one card face-up beside deck. Players put out any doubles or triples. Players in turn pick up a card (either the top face-up card or face-down card) and place a card face-up on the face-up pile. Doubles and triples are put out as they are formed. The winner is the first player to put out all their cards as doubles and triples. Concentration. Place all cards face down on table. Players take turns selecting 2 cards. If they are the same, keep the pair and take another turn. The winner is the player with the most pairs when all cards used © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 26 + 32 = 58 51 + 28 = 79 22 + 43 = 65 73 + 14 = 87 43 + 31 = 74 60 + 17 = 77 47 + 35 = 82 39 + 24 = 63 37 + 58 = 95 46 + 15 = 61 24 + 56 = 80 67 + 29 = 96 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 26 36 46 56 58 10 10 10 2 51 61 71 79 10 10 8 22 32 42 52 62 65 10 10 10 10 3 73 83 87 10 4 43 53 63 73 74 10 10 10 1 60 70 77 10 7 47 57 67 77 82 10 10 10 5 39 49 59 63 10 10 4 37 47 57 67 77 87 95 10 10 10 10 10 8 46 56 61 10 5 24 34 44 54 64 74 80 10 10 10 10 10 6 67 77 87 96 10 10 9 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 0 100 26 32 58 0 100 51 28 79 0 100 22 43 65 0 100 73 14 87 0 100 43 31 74 0 100 60 17 77 0 100 47 35 82 0 100 39 24 63 58 0 100 37 95 0 100 46 15 61 0 100 24 56 80 0 100 67 29 96 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 26 + 30 56 + 2 58 51 + 20 71 + 8 79 22 + 40 62 + 3 65 73 + 10 83 + 4 87 43 + 30 73 + 1 74 60 + 10 70 + 7 77 47 + 30 77 + 5 82 39 + 20 59 + 4 63 37 + 50 87 + 8 95 46 + 10 56 + 5 61 24 + 50 74 + 6 80 67 + 20 87 + 9 96 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
2-DIGIT ADDITION COVER-THE-BOARD GAME Materials: Same materials as for card games except the symbols page is kept as a base board, while the other 3 pages are cut into 12 picture cards Number of players: 3 (although 2 could play) Directions: Print the four pages from the card games, each on different colour paper or light card (laminate if possible). Use the symbols as a base board. Cut the other pages into 12 cards each. Each player gets a set of cards. In turn, each player places a card correctly on base board (card and board have to have same operation) or on top of another card already placed. At the end, the player with most cards on top wins. © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
2-DIGIT ADDITION MIX & MATCH CARDS Materials: 12 mix and match cards (two per page for the next 6 pages). Number of players: 1 (though can be a group) Directions: Print all cards in same colour Cut cards along lines into pieces Mix pieces together Students put pieces back together to form cards © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 26 + 32 = 58 26 36 46 56 58 10 10 10 2 0 100 26 32 58 + 30 56 + 2 51 + 28 = 79 51 61 71 79 10 10 8 51 28 79 + 20 71 + 8 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 22 + 43 = 65 22 32 42 52 62 65 10 10 10 10 3 0 100 22 43 65 + 40 62 + 3 73 + 14 = 87 73 83 87 10 4 73 14 87 + 10 83 + 4 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 43 + 31 = 74 43 53 63 73 74 10 10 10 1 0 100 43 31 74 + 30 73 + 1 60 + 17 = 77 60 70 77 10 7 60 17 77 + 10 70 + 7 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 47 + 35 = 82 47 57 67 77 82 10 10 10 5 0 100 47 35 82 + 30 77 + 5 39 + 24 = 63 39 49 59 63 10 10 4 39 24 63 + 20 59 + 4 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 37 + 58 = 95 37 47 57 67 77 87 95 10 10 10 10 10 8 37 + 50 87 + 8 95 58 0 100 46 + 15 = 61 46 56 61 10 5 0 100 46 15 61 + 10 56 + 5 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 24 + 56 = 80 24 34 44 54 64 74 80 10 10 10 10 10 6 0 100 24 56 80 + 50 74 + 6 67 + 29 = 96 67 77 87 96 10 10 9 0 100 67 29 96 + 20 87 + 9 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 2-DIGIT ADDITION BINGO Materials: 7 pages of material following these instructions – one set of symbol flash cards and six bingo base boards, unifix cubes. Number of players: 2-6 Directions: Print the flash cards (symbols) on white paper or card, cut out and laminate if possible. Print the six bingo base boards, each on different coloured paper or card (laminate if possible). One player (caller) takes the flash cards and shuffles them, the rest take a base board and unifix cubes. Caller shows cards one at a time. Players cover same operation on their board with unifix cube. First player to get 3 in a row (across, down or diagonal) is the winner (calls “bingo”) and becomes caller in next game. © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 26 + 32 = 58 51 + 28 = 79 22 + 43 = 65 73 + 14 = 87 43 + 31 = 74 60 + 17 = 77 47 + 35 = 82 39 + 24 = 63 37 + 58 = 95 46 + 15 = 61 24 + 56 = 80 67 + 29 = 96 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 73 + 10 83 + 4 87 47 + 30 77 + 5 82 46 56 61 26 + 2 58 22 32 42 52 62 65 10 10 10 10 3 60 70 77 10 7 37 47 57 67 77 87 95 10 10 10 10 10 8 67 77 87 96 10 10 9 0 100 51 28 79 43 31 74 39 24 63 80 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 51 + 28 = 79 43 + 31 = 74 24 + 56 = 80 39 + 24 = 63 26 36 46 56 58 10 10 10 2 73 83 87 10 4 47 57 67 77 82 10 10 10 5 46 56 61 10 5 0 100 22 43 65 60 17 77 58 0 100 37 95 67 29 96 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 22 + 40 62 + 3 65 60 + 10 70 + 7 77 37 + 50 87 + 8 95 67 + 20 + 9 96 51 61 71 79 10 10 8 43 53 63 73 74 10 10 10 1 39 49 59 63 10 10 4 24 34 44 54 64 74 80 10 10 10 10 10 6 0 100 26 32 58 73 14 47 35 82 46 15 61 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 26 + 30 56 + 2 58 73 + 10 83 + 4 87 47 77 + 5 82 46 61 22 32 42 52 62 65 10 10 10 10 3 60 70 77 10 7 37 47 57 67 77 87 95 10 10 10 10 10 8 67 77 87 96 10 10 9 0 100 51 28 79 43 31 74 39 24 63 80 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 51 + 20 71 + 8 79 43 + 30 73 + 1 74 39 59 + 4 63 24 + 50 + 6 80 26 36 46 56 58 10 10 10 2 73 83 87 10 4 47 57 67 77 82 10 10 10 5 46 56 61 10 5 0 100 22 65 60 17 77 58 0 100 37 95 67 29 96 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre
© 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre 22 + 40 62 + 3 65 60 + 10 70 + 7 77 37 + 50 87 + 8 95 67 + 20 + 9 96 51 61 71 79 10 10 8 43 53 63 73 74 10 10 10 1 39 49 59 63 10 10 4 24 34 44 54 64 74 80 10 10 10 10 10 6 0 100 26 32 58 73 14 47 35 82 46 15 61 © 2007, 2013 QUT YuMi Deadly Centre