A Multimedia STEM Project Part 1 POETRY PROJECT A Multimedia STEM Project Part 1 An Introduction Letter by:
Directions for the teacher: Thank you for downloading part of the Poetry Project pack! Edit and print the introduction letter double sided. Make enough copies for your students. Read through the letter with students. Make sure students take the letter home so parents and guardians are aware of the project.
A Multimedia STEM Project for ELA POETRY PROJECT A Multimedia STEM Project for ELA Dear Students and Families, Our class is about to embark on a journey through project-based learning to discover answers to the question: How can language move people? TASK: What are students going to do? Work collaboratively in a small group To create and present a multimedia poem that Creatively uses a combination of poetic devices and persuasive techniques That effectively expresses an emotional or deep-felt message Enough to “move” an audience PROCESS: How are students going to do this? Choose a meaningful message or topic. Teacher forms teams. Share message. Explain evaluation. Show examples and available resources for research. Work collaboratively to list, prioritize, and assign tasks to complete project Research poetic devices and persuasive techniques Plan, write, revise, edit, and publish a team multimedia poem Share final poem during our Poetry Premier. EVALUATION: How will students be graded? 21st Century Skills: collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking (effort) Final Poem: sound devices, word choice, presentation, and organization
Although this project may not include traditional assignments and homework, students will still be working on the following communication arts standards: Conduct research projects using several sources to answer an essential question. Engage in collaborative discussion, building on others’ ideas and expressing own ideas clearly Follow rules for discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles Produce a clear and coherent poem in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience Develop and strengthen poem by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach Use figurative language such as metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, and hyperbole in a poem Use specific word choice to illustrate the theme, mood, and tone of a poem Synthesize information and present it in different formats Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations Present poem using appropriate eye contact, volume, and clear pronunciation Please be aware students will be provided limited materials to complete the basic requirements of the project at school. Students may bring items from home to assist them, but keep in mind these items will be the complete responsibility of the student. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at: More information will be coming soon about our Poetry Premiere, or culminating event, where we will share our finished poems with everyone! Best wishes, Hannah Johnson