Andrew Keating, PhD Director, Cloud Services Program Management Internet2 NET+ Services: Overview & Discussion GEÁNT Task Force for Management of Services Portfolio Andrew Keating, PhD Director, Cloud Services Program Management
INTERNET2… Founded Mission Goals Community Powered by Community In 1996 by research universities to take self- responsibility for providing a data networking environment that would not otherwise exist, or exist as and when the community of scholars needed it INTERNET2… Powered by Community Mission Develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet Goals Enable new generation of applications Re-create leading edge R&E network capability Transfer technology and experience to the global production Internet Accelerating Research & Education through Innovation Community R&E member institutions, affiliates, agencies, etc.. Rich and complex regional network community Global NREN community
The R&E Network 300+ Universities 80+ Corporations 70+ Government agencies 42 Regional & state networks 65+ International R&E networks We have talked about the Internet2 network already but a quick reminder of its nationwide reach and capacity; core community asset Internet2 is building the next innovation platform Internet2’s core mission is to be the “forward leaning leader” of the R&E community—to facilitate the next innovation platform and to keep our campuses “way out in front” of commodity offerings Membership has expanded from 34 to 255+ universities, plus 150 leading industry, network and affiliate members—including government agencies and laboratories Internet2 broader community has expanded to over 66,000 community anchor institutions across the U.S. and over 100 international networking partners representing over 50 countries November 12, 2018 © 2013 Internet2
Global Services in Support of Research Internet2 can provide gigabit advanced IP services and dedicated VLAN circuits to over 65 national research and education network partners in 100 countries across the globe. ”All research is now international." —Michael McRobbie, President, Indiana University
Trusted Identity in Education Community-developed identity and access management framework of trust enables: Secure, streamlined sharing of protected resources Consolidated management of user identities and access Delivery of an integrated portfolio of community-developed solutions The standard for over 500 higher education institutions—and counting! [ 5 ]
Foundation for Trust & Identity Essential Middleware: Developed by and for the Community Foundation for Trust & Identity 15 500+ 2 160+ 0 2000+ 7.8 million Academic Participants Sponsored Partners Registered Service Providers Individuals served by federated IdM Formed by 17 organizations in 2004 Has grown to 615 participants, including 425 colleges and universities, 30 government and research centers, 160 corporate sponsored partners Established by campus-based expertise, which also gave rise to Shibboleth, Grouper, and other middleware. The late R.L. “Bob” Morgan instrumental in development of federated identity management. Now the centerpiece for Internet2’s Trust and Identity in Education and Research Other sectors modeling their federated identity and access management strategies after InCommon
Internet2 NET+ Services … the community acting on its own behalf…
The Genesis of NET+ 2010 NACUBO / EDUCAUSE Cloud Summit
Major Recommendations from 2010 Thirteen overall recommendations (Pg 21-22), which include: Create a cloud computing roadmap. Develop a risk-assessment framework and guide. Develop audit guidelines for cloud-based offerings. Identify needed skills and training for cloud-based services. Develop and publish model service level agreements. Encourage identity management. Create a higher education demand aggregator.
The Growth of Cloud Computing is Astounding To Leverage Community Capabilities To Influence the “Cloud Industry” To Benefit Global Scale Research & Education
By 2020 SaaS will account for $133 billion of the $160 billion industry, while IaaS will make up $5 billion, PaaS $12 billion and BPaaS $10 billion. 32% Year Over Year Growth With Near Quarterly Price Reductions in IaaS and PaaS
COMMUNITY-DRIVEN CLOUD SINCE 2010 4 Services in General Availability 6 In Early Adoption 14 In Service Validation 7.8m User Identities via InCommon 2 services launched in General Availability 8 In Early Adoption 6 In Service Validation 50+ services launched 300+ campuses participating 650+ Cloud Service subscriptions NET+ Designed to leverage community engagement and community assets- InCommon and the Internet2 R&E Network 13 founding campuses 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Cloud Computing: NIST Framework Includes both commercial and community providers Includes the entire connected community NET+ Services Portfolio Cloud Consumer Cloud Provider Cloud Broker Service Orchestration Tuned to community needs and validated by the community Service Layer Cloud Service Management Security Privacy Cloud Auditor Intermediation Aggregation Arbitrage Control Layer Resource Layer Cloud Carrier The Internet2 R&E Network and partner networks together define the Internet2 Community *
What is Internet2 NET+ Services all about? A partnership to provide a portfolio of solutions for Internet2 member organizations that are cost-effective, easy to access, simple to administer, and tailored to the unique, shared needs of the community: Define a new generation of value-added services Leverage the Internet2 R&E Network and other services such as InCommon Drive down the costs of provisioning/consuming services Provide a strategic partnership with service providers (new service offerings). Leverage community scale for better pricing and terms Develop solutions that meet performance, usability, and security requirements Provide a single point of contracting and provisioning
How NET+ Providers are Selected: ALWAYS Sponsored by Internet2 Member Campus Can the services scales at least nationally? Can it be delivered over global R&E networks? Develop a business model that scales globally and serves significant portion of community? Will provider work with community to meet unique R&E needs today and into the future? Adopts R&E federated identity standards? Commit to community’s Security, Privacy, Compliance, and Accessibility needs? Supportive of common, community contracting terms and conditions (negotiate once, use many times)
NET+ SERVICE LIFECYCLE GET INVOLVED IN THE NET+ SERVICE LIFECYCLE Sponsored by Community Members Designed by participating campuses, providers and Internet2 Subscription by Community Members, Regional and Global partners All delivered at global scale, tailored to R&E needs, and benefitting all participating institutions
NET+ Service Validation Components Functional Assessment Review features and functionality Tune service for research and education community Technical Integration Network: determine optimal connection and optimize service to use the Internet2 R&E network Identity: InCommon integration Security and Compliance Security assessment: Cloud Controls Matrix FERPA, HIPAA, privacy, data handling Accessibility Business Legal: customized agreement using NET+ community contract templates Business model Define pricing and value proposition Determine competitive solicitation response Deployment Documentation Use cases Support model
Key Ways NET+ Contracting Supports Procurement Community based due diligence Improves risk management by vetting service providers, standard and beneficial contract terms Ensures fair treatment in the market (no hidden clauses for “other” universities) Reduces costs of administration Leverages purchasing power of the entire community Provides competitive options as the number of providers in each portfolio services category increases
Internet2 NET+ Services: Current Engagements Updated September 2015
In 1200+ days you have built a growing ecosystem of NET+ Services and Providers 35 tailored cloud services, now available—50+ in development!
Examples of Cloud Services Deployed at Scale Leveraging community developed offerings, preferred pricing and business terms 120+ universities cloud storage and collaboration campus-wide (36+ months) 75+ universities leveraging the NET+ Splunk offering (18+ months) 40+ universities moved their LMS to Instructure’s Canvas (24+ months) 20+ universities leveraging Code42’s CrashPlan offering (18+ months) Box: available for 18 months and during that time around 60 universities have subscribed; total of over 2million end user accounts; Internet2 community is Box’s single largest customer, Indiana University alone with 55k user accounts is the largest instance of Box. They have listened to us on a laundry list of feature requests: accessibility, APIs written exclusively for higher education, meet with the Advisory Board quarterly Canvas: available for 6 months and during that time 10 universities have subscribed along with a regional network bringing many more (all colleges and universities in the state); preferred pricing with no cost escalations, but more importantly are the non-monetary features such as the contract written by university counsel as well as end user terms of service.
Summarizing What NET+ Is Community driven - all NET+ cloud services must be sponsored by a CIO and go through service validation Higher ed focused – customized competitive assessments and contracts More than technology Provides better contractual terms, especially termination Working to improve SaaS security requirements Working on simplifying the on-boarding and exit process through InCommon The community driving change!
Key Areas of Focus in 2015 Streamlined contracting model Participation Agreement structure with two types Support for legacy standalone agreements Procurement and purchasing Procurement analysis worksheets for all EA and GA programs Security services as an emerging area and improved security standards for existing services Amazon Web Services and cloud infrastructure services Video collaboration services and finding a business model that supports broad adoption
Discussion and Feedback What are challenges GEÁNT campuses and partners face with moving to the cloud generally or with specific services? What needs or gaps have you identified? What can Internet2 and NET+ do for you? How can we work together in order to leverage our collective resources to improve cloud service delivery for research and education?
For more information… Andrew Keating – Internet2 NET+ service catalogue: Reach us with questions, comments, suggestions, requests, etc. at