Creating a Non-DOD CAC Account for RMS 3.0 Contractor mode and Non-DOD CAC holders
After RMS 3.0 has been loaded From the RMS 3.0 login screen, select “New Users- to Create an Account”
New User Registration Enter in the “First Name” and the “Last Name”. Enter in the email address provided to the RMS System Administrator. This information has to match or the registration will not work. Create a 15-character password meeting the requirements or copy and paste one of the suggestions provided. This password will be required to log into RMS 3.0 and for any required electronic signatures.
RMS Registration Code A registration code will be sent to the email account used during the registration process. This account verification has be done each time a user logs into a different computer system (desktop/laptop). The registration code can take some time to arrive via email.
Registration Code Enter in the registration code provided through email. Note: The email registration may show up in the Spam folder of your email.
Verification Successful! When the registration code is entered in successfully, then a message will come up notifying that the account is ready for login. Upon logging in, if you are unable to see any contracts, contact the Local RMS System Administrator. The System Administrator may need to either provide access or link the account in the RMS Staff Table.