Background and purpose of the South West marine site characterisation project Mark Taylor Review of Consents Officer (SW), English Nature
Summary of presentation The driver for the project –Regulation 50 – the Agencys Review of Consents Principles of site characterisation Objectives of SW marine site characterisation European Marine Sites included and their features
Summary of Regulation 50 Competent authorities must make an assessment of existing permissions/consents/other authorisations -in-combination -taking into account cumulative influences on the site (e.g. historic pollution,unconsented sources) to ascertain whether it can be concluded that they are not having an adverse effect on site integrity (in view of the conservation objectives for the site)
Summary of Regulation 50: Adverse effects on site integrity effects on the structure and function of the site, which directly or indirectly, would adversely affect the achievement of the conservation objectives for any of the European interest features exceedence of Environmental Quality Standards (EQSs) has been agreed as one endpoint for water quality
Summary of Regulation 50 (cont.) If it is not possible to conclude no adverse affect on integrity then: an appraisal of options is required could include amendment or revocation of permissions overall requirement to secure site integrity
Principles of site characterisation Risks to site Reg 33 PHASE 1 Desk-based assessment of existing site knowledge Refine understanding of impacts/risks Characterising pollution sources PHASE 2 Further investigation: Modelling Laboratory studies Field sampling Re-analysis of existing data Expert judgement ID issues of concernID issues of concern Gap analysisGap analysis
SW Marine Characterisation Project EA/EN/CCW commissioned Plymouth Marine Science Partnership. Steering group: S.J. Hawkins, P.Worsfold, (PMSP) Mark Taylor, Roger Covey (EN) Nicky Cunningham, Peter Jonas, Roger Saxon Sacha Rogers (EA)
Overview of the objectives of the SW Marine Site Characterisation project Overall objective was to collate, integrate and critically evaluate available information for 6 EMSs to investigate the impacts/risks associated with water quality –Published and unpublished literature and Agency datasets –Chemical (water and sediment quality) and biological data (benthic community information to biomarkers) –Temporal and spatial trends –Hydrodynamics and existing relevant site models –Overall/integrated evaluation of evidence for impacts and risks –Data gaps and recommendations to address these
Exe Estuary SPA Internationally important populations of regularly occurring Annex 1 bird species (Avocet, Slavonian Grebe) Internationally important assemblage of waterfowl Poole Harbour SPA Internationally important populations of regularly occurring Annex 1 bird species (Including: Aquatic Warbler, Avocet) Internationally important assemblage of waterfowl.
Chesil and Fleet SAC & SPA Coastal lagoons Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC & SPA Annual vegetation of drift lines Perennial vegetation of stony banks Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs Atlantic salt meadows Birds Directive: Little Tern and Wigeon Sub-tidal sandbanks Large shallow inlets and bays Atlantic salt meadows Reefs Estuaries Intertidal mudflats and sandflats Shore dock Allis shad Birds Directive: Avocet and Little Egret
Severn Estuary SPA & pSAC Recommended features for SAC status include : Sub-tidal sandbanks, Reefs, Sea lamprey, etc. Internationally important populations Annex 1 bird species (Bewicks Swan). Internationally important populations of migratory species. Internationally important assemblage of waterfowl Fal and Helford SAC Large shallow inlets and bays Sub-tidal sandbanks Intertidal mudflats and sandflats Atlantic salt meadows Reefs Estuaries Shore dock
South West Marine Site Characterisation project Findings of study are also relevant to: Assessment of: –new permission applications (Regulation 48) –activities not requiring permits –site condition Implementation of Water Framework Directive