Associate Superintendent of Human Resources Introduction Presentation September 23, 2016
A little About Me; Originally from NYC Attended College in Buffalo Moved to Rochester to pursue a teaching position Career Path; Teacher Human Resources Director Labor Relations Director Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Labor Manager for City of Rochester Associate Superintendent of Human Resources
First 100 Days Meet, Greet & Listen HR Staff Central Office Staff Visit Buildings Review Existing Processes/Procedures Review Human Resources Training Offerings Targeted Implementation of Plank #6
Managing for Results Report In 2002 the Council of the Great City Schools and its members set out to develop performance measures that could be used to improve business operations in urban public school districts. The Council launched the Performance Measurement and Benchmarking Project to achieve these objectives. The purposes of the project were to: Establish a common set of key performance indicators (KPIs) in a range of school operations, including business services finances, human resources, and technology; Use these KPIs to benchmark and compare the performance of the nation's largest urban public school systems; Use the results to improve operational performance in urban public schools
The Factors that Guide HR Operational Improvement Strategies Include: Identification of positions to be filled Diverse pool of qualified applicants Use of technology for application-approval process Site-based hiring vs. central-office hiring process Availability of interview team members Effectiveness of recruiting efforts Salary and benefits offered Employee satisfaction and workplace environment Availability of skills in local labor market Personnel policies and practices
New Education Bargain
The Year Ahead Reflect on 2016-2017 School Opening Goal Setting for 2017-2018 School Opening Plan to Operationalize Goals