Boosting broadband connectivity in Europe Mart Võrklaev NAT commission (EE/ALDE) 09.03.2018
Background – why we need broadband connectivity ? Slow internet and low penetration in rural areas and spare-populated and remote areas could be an obstacle to reach the EU 2020-25 goals ICT infrastructures and broadband together with capacity building can play a key role in the restructuring of rural regions in response to shrinkage in order to reach a gigabit society and to maximize the potential of the digital single market and contribute to its development in each Member State, it is important to ensure fast connections everywhere in the shortest possible time
A number of challenges to overcome limited very high speed connectivity for fixed and mobile infrastructures across the EU risks of insufficient capacity to deal with rapid market and technological changes such as the rise of the 'Internet of Things‘ administrative burdens resulting from regulatory redundancies and a lack of coherence, including the state aid rules
in some countries and regions, the lack of technical knowledge and the lack of information on potential funding for broadband networking, as well as the "best practices"; Lack of separation of services: in order to ensure competition in both the fixed-line services market and the 5G networks, the separation of services from the network (unbundling) is necessary in the same way as in the energy sector In scattered and hard-to-reach places, in addition to cable connections it is desirable to consider and search for opportunities for mobile broadband satellite broadband public areas and the establishment of public WIFI networks, including the WIFI4EU initiative. Future proof technology: by using alternative solutions, we increase the speed of network building and save money, but this should be done wisely and systematically, so that solutions meet demand
A number of initiatives to welcome recognises European Commission competition “European Broadband Awards”, which contributes broadband connectivity problem solutions and best practices broader distribution is mindful about the potential of the emerging “Smart Village” concept proposed as part of the 'EU's Cork 2.0 Declaration – A better life in rural areas‘ welcomes the launch of Broadband Competence Office (BCO) in member states and regions. We reccommend for regions and local authorities to contact these offices in advance before they begin to solve problems and find out best practicies and solutions
highlights the good EIB initiative to create a Broadband Fund, but urges to its fast implementation and hopes that it would help financing especially small projects and white spots; supports the promotion of the uptake of EU programs and the development of new concepts for public- private-partnerships for broadband investments;
Key messages 1. Having access to high capacity communication networks is imperative nowadays for all European territories: good connectivity is the foundation of the digital revolution 2. The EU budget must add value and have a positive impact on European citizen's daily lives 3. We need a clear, simple and sufficient envelope inside the ESF allocated to broadband investments 4. We need adequate and more flexible funding 5. A comprehensive review of the requirements for ESIF management and control systems is urgently needed, as well as better synergies to combine different financing sources
7. solving the “last mile problem” I ask for 6. a faster implementation of the Broadband Fund and it should cover especially smaller projects that have had difficulties to be materialised till now 7. solving the “last mile problem” 8. other factors than investments to be analysed to improve high connectivity: administrative capacities in local and regional bodies, affordability of the network for the users to boost demand, e-skills of citizens and public officials, better alignment with different government level plans and with state aid rules 9. a political debate on technology neutrality in Europe 10. EU to support the establishment of open networks and direct the Member States to ensure that all existing and in construction fibre optic cable networks become independent of the operator
Fixed broadband coverage