Adwords VS Adsense What is the difference and can I use both on the same website?
What is Google Adwords? Adwords is the platform you can use as an advertiser to show your ads on the Google Search Results Pages, partner websites or the Google Display network (websites that show Google Ads). One of the main characteristics of Adwords is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ad (Pay Per Click). Adwords has become very successful not only because it generates a big part of Google’s income but also because PPC does offer a lot of benefits to businesses too.
What is Google Adsense? Adsense is the platform you can use as a webmaster or blog owner so that Google ads are shown in your website. When someone clicks on an ad that is shown on your website you will get paid a portion of what the Adwords advertiser pays. If you allow Google ads to be displayed on your website. When someone clicks on an ad from your website you will get paid 68% and Google will keep the 32%.
Types of Google Adsense Ads 1.Display ads
2.Text ads
3. Ad link units
4. Mobile ads
5. Feed ads
Advantages of Google Adsense It's free to join. Eligibility requirements are easy, which means you can monetize your website or blog even when it's new. There are a variety of ad options and several you can customize to fit the look and feel of your site. You can run ads on several websites from one AdSense account. You can easily add it to your YouTube and Blogger accounts.
Drawbacks of Google Adsense Google can terminate your account in an instant, and it's not very forgiving if you break the rules. Like all forms of online income, you need targeted traffic in order to make money. When people click on an AdSense ad, you do make some money, but your visitor also leaves your site.
Now the Question is : Should I use adwords to promote my website so that more people will visit and click on my adsense ads and make money?
The answer is NO This used to be the case in the past but not anymore. What some marketers did in the past was to run adwords ads to get traffic to a website and then aggressively place adsense ads on the page so that they get more clicks and make profit from the difference they paid for the adwords ads and what they received from Adsense. Adwords has now more strict policies on what you can advertise on their platform. The system is mainly for businesses that sell real products and services online and not for affiliate or MFA (Made For Adsense) type of websites. Adwords does not allow the landing page to have adsense. Adsense ads placement policies do not allow for aggressive placement of ads.
Conclusion and final thoughts Both adsense and adwords are great tools you can use to make money and also promote your products and services online. Adsense is the best option to monetise your content rich website and adwords is one of the most efficient ways to advertise your businesses to a well defined targeted audience. Thank YOU