2nd Steering Committee Meeting Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation 8th November 2017, Valencia
Vision and mission of the partnership Vision and mission of the partnership - why we've set up the partnership? - Medical technologies sector represents an annual market of 120 billion euros in Europe. It is a highly fragmented domain including over 500 000 products and 25 000 companies Challenges are also to provide support through investments and projects, to modernize this strategic domain to share parts of their supply chains (gain time and money) and give access to their SMEs to a wider panel of technologies SMEs do not have enough access to adequate technology platforms or other infrastructures so as to achieve their proofs of concepts (regulatory prototypes), or to testing. The partnership aims to: develop more structured innovation ecosystems and interconnect them, create links and synergies between RDI facilities according to a cross-sectorial approach which is compulsory in the medtech sector, develop sustainable business model of RDI facilities to increase innovation knowledge between science and industry through co-investments .
Basis of the investment thesis Basis of the investment thesis - background / basis of the partnership - The Vanguard demo-case Nanomedicine, enlarged to Medtechs, and the Regional Committee of ESTHER have merged to create synergies between all regions interested in creating new value chains and cooperation across Europe. After two plenary sessions and a mapping exercise in 2016, more than 20 regions are committed to develop joint actions, and they have started to elaborate their roadmap. After two plenary sessions that took place in Brussels in 2016, a first mapping exercise has been developed between the regions committed in developing joint actions, and they have started to elaborate their roadmap. The third meeting hosted by Lombardy in Milano aimed to constitute three consortiums (2 INNOSUP and 1 INTERREG Europe) and to set the regions on an operational path based on close collaboration. The link with ESTHER and the Vanguard Initiative has brought together the various actors of the quadruple helix. The adhesion to the S3 platform was fundamental for the "connect" phase with the implementation of a detailed mapping support aimed at identifying concrete interregional collaboration and investment opportunities (in progress) by the ReConfirm project.
Status and next steps - advancement and planning - A workshop is planned the 28th of November in the frame of ReConfirm project to finalise and share the work of mapping (learn & connect phase) and to identify the cooperation thematics. The aim is to identify and implement synergies between existing technology platforms and new investments projects to finance non-competitor products and analyse the legal/regulatory conditions as well as the business model of interregional demonstrators.