Frogs Living World
Learning Intentions: Science Living World Levels 1 and 2 Recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive. Recognise that living things are suited to their particular habitat.
Before you start What do I know? What do I want to know?
Before ideas: Fact or Fib Before ideas: Fact or Fib?Sort before inquiry to guide our investigation...what do we think? What do we know? What do we WONDER? How will we find out? Facts? Frogs breathe through their skin. Frogs eat flies. Frogs live in trees. Some frogs are poisonous. Baby frogs are called froglets. Frogs lay eggs. Fibs? Frogs are warm blooded. Frogs can’t swim. Frogs drink water. Frogs only live in ponds. Frogs live in the snow. Frogs have teeth.
What is a frog? Classify pictures of amphibians and reptiles. What is an amphibian? What is a reptile? Write and share/publish an information report about frogs. Pictures to print for classification: google images of reptiles Google images of amphibians
Pictures for sorting: Amphibians: Reptiles:
More pictures: Sparklebox Amphibians Pictures Sparklebox has lots of free printables about amphibians and reptiles. Sparklebox Reptiles Pictures
Where do frogs live? Habitat: Google images of frog habitats What do frogs need to live? Cut/paste activity of pictures of things frogs need/don’t need. Or, circle the things frogs need. Or, draw what you think frogs need. Draw a home for a frog...what do they need? Label it. Share it with the class. Keeping frogs NZ Set up a class aquarium. What do we need/why?
What do frogs eat? Sort food pictures into groups of what frogs eat/don’t eat. How do frogs eat? Draw/paint a picture of a frog with a collage, long tongue...attach a food a frog would eat on the end of the frogs tongue. Frog template:
Life Cycle of a Frog: Sparklebox frog cut/paste life cycle
Native Frogs of NZ NZ Conservation Dept. lots of resources here and printables. Native NZ Frogs
Endangered Frogs: TThedfkedfjnt The red eyed tree frog:
Presenting Our Findings: Frog craft activities Reading:Read school journals about frogs, poems, nursery rhymes, Library books, posters etc... Writing: Publish frog facts onto frog templates/lily pads. Book creator iPads Acrostic poems about frogs. Write a describe/information report. Write a narravtive about a frog, once upon a time...
Music/Art/Drama: Music: Gallop went the frog 5 Speckled Frogs Rainbow Connection Crazy Frog Crazy frog another version Drama: Role play a life cycle. Dramatise the “Wide Mouthed Frog.” Role play or use puppets to Sing 5 speckled frogs. Printable puppets activity village.
Assessment: Fact or Fib? Sort quiz questions into facts or fibs. Sequence a life cycle of a frog. A cloze activity sheet. A frog presentation of what we found out eg; a pic collage, a play, a story, a poster, a frog fact sheet. Present findings to the class. Share on the class blog/Junior Assembly
More art/craft/display ideas:
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