Science - Year 3/4A Spring 1 Living Things and their Habitats A World of Living Things Session 4 Task PowerPoint © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.
The next page of your amazing interactive book will be a pop-up pond for fish and amphibians. You will be able to fascinate your reader with interesting facts about these incredible creatures and delight them with a 3D scene!
1. Fold your blue card in half and stick a strip of green paper along the top
2. Fold your card in half again so the green strip is hidden inside 2. Fold your card in half again so the green strip is hidden inside. Use a ruler to draw a pencil guideline on the outside just below the green strip. Folded card (cross section) green strip Height of pencil line
3. Make 2 parallel cuts from the fold to the pencil line (about 3cm apart)
4. Now make another pair of cuts on each side 4. Now make another pair of cuts on each side. Each pair should match (see dotted lines). Vary the height and distance apart.
5. Open the card and pull up each strip 5. Open the card and pull up each strip. Crease into a fold at the top and bottom When you have finished it should look like this
6. Cut out your lily pad from your card task sheet and stick it to the top of your middle box fold popup 7. Next draw an amphibian to fill the box on your task sheet. It could be a toad, a frog or a newt. Colour it in and cut it out.
8. Cut out your green strip and make it into a square by folding along the 4 black lines. Seal up the square by gluing the tab and pressing it down on the other side. Make sure it is green on the outside
9. Glue 2 adjacent sides of your green square and stick it into place by pressing one side down on top of the lily pad and the other to the back of your page. Check you have the corner of the square right at the back. Make sure both sides are well stuck by closing the card and pressing down. Watch what happens to the square as you do this! 10. Open the page again and glue your amphibian to the front of your square. Press it for a few moments to check it is well stuck on. Close the page and watch what happens!
Now have some fun designing fish and pond weed for the front of your box folds. Draw them on the card at the bottom of your task sheet. Cut them out and stick them on. As you do this, check that they do not stick out over the edge when the page closes.
Finish off your pop-up page by adding a title and sticking down your fact boxes. Stick your facts about fish in the water and your amphibian facts above the lily pad.