Essential Question: What are some important parts of cells? Topic: Cells Essential Question: What are some important parts of cells?
Intro Watch to 0:33
Cells Cells are the smallest unit of a living thing (an organism) that can be said to be alive. Each cell is surrounded by a membrane that controls what enters and leaves the cell.
Organism types Organisms may be unicellular (having only one cell - such as bacteria) or multicellular (made of different numbers and types of cells).
Cell Parts Cells have parts that serve different functions. Watch from 1:19 to 2:03 (chromosomes)... Then 4:20-4:44
Cell Parts Cells have parts that serve different functions. The nucleus holds genetic material and controls the activities of the cell. Mitochondria release the energy from food so the cell can use it.
Cell Parts in Plants Cells have parts that serve different functions. Watch from 5:04-5:42
Chloroplasts and Cell Walls Chloroplasts are found only in plants and algae. They contain chlorophyll, which allows them to make food using the energy from sunlight, and is what makes them green! Plant cells also have a cell wall outside the membrane that provides shape and support.
Tissues and Organs In multicellular organisms, many cells of the same type working together are called tissues. (Such as bone, skin, or muscle). Different tissues work together to form organs (such as the heart, stomach, or brain) that perform specialized functions.