Cells, the basic units of life, can be compared to a factory and even an entire city. These cells are at work releasing energy from foods, and then using that energy to make needed cell parts. Together, your cells function to make your body operate like a well-run factory or city.
The Cell “City” Provides the location for cell parts to live and for many activities of working parts, deliveries of products, and factories that make products. Cell Membrane “City Limits” Provides the boundaries for activities that go on within the cell. Cytoplasm “Community” The part of the cell outside of the nucleus.
Animal Cell Mitochondrion “Power Plant” Creates and stores energy/power for the cell. Nucleus “City Hall” Control center of the cell. Gives directions for construction within the cell. Holds the blue prints for building. Animal Cell
School Analogy of a Plant Cell: Cell wall = building structure Plasma Membrane = paint on inside walls Cytoplasm = hallways Organelles = classrooms Vacuole = bathrooms Nucleus = office
Complete a persuasive paragraph for the following scenario: The organelles in a cell are rebelling against the nucleus. They all think they work too hard and deserve a vacation. Help the nucleus explain what would happen to the cell, if even one of them took a two week vacation, by using the functions of the organelles to help support the nucleus’s decision.