PHLS 8334 Research in Counseling Psychology Spring 2018 Consuelo Arbona, Ph.D. University of Houston Houston, Texas CON
Description of the Course Overview of research findings in counseling psychology including content areas of interest, summary of strategies utilized, and identification of persisting dilemmas and issues Produce Research Scientist-Practitioner Model: Consume Research
Program’s Goals, Objectives, Competencies Goal 2: Produce graduates who are knowledgeable of the foundational base of psychological science and are able to contribute to the empirical body of knowledge in the field of counseling psychology. Goal 2: Objective A: Demonstrate substantial understanding of seminal research findings and methods in psychological science broadly, and counseling psychology specifically.
Program’s Goals, Objectives, Competencies Goal 2: Objective B: Demonstrate ability to review/critique scholarly literature in terms of content, design, analyses, interpretation of results, and multicultural relevance or bias. Competency B.1a (Goal 2): critically review psychotherapy outcome studies (RCT) including adequacy of research and statistical methods (internal/external validity) and practice implications of findings with diverse populations. Class objective 7c. Benchmark: 70% grade in Class Exam
Program’s Goals, Objectives, Competencies Goal 2, Objective C: Produce scientific findings and disseminate scholarly products in oral and written form that meet APA publication standards. (Formal evaluation of competencies: candidacy/ dissertation defenses). Competencies…. Candidacy and Dissertation Defense Draft of proposal for empirical study
Goal 2, Objective C: Competencies Competency C.1 Introduction and literature review provides logical framework in support of research questions/hypothesis based on theoretical/empirical literature Competency C. 2 Selects appropriate sample and research methodology Competency C. 3 Implements correctly adequate statistical analyses Competency C. 4 Articulates the implications/limitations of research findings and generalizability to diverse populations Competency C. 5 Produces written scholarly product that meet APA publication standards Competency C. 6 Presents clearly research aims, procedures, findings, and implications/limitations of research findings
PHLS 8334 Goals and Major Projects Research Product Draft of a proposal for/or paper of an empirical research study Class Presentation of proposal or paper Empirically Based Treatments Class presentation of therapy approach and findings of randomized clinical trials regarding the selected approach (RCTs) (2 groups) Critical Evaluation of one RCT published study per group Exam: Critical Evaluation of an RCT paper (Competency assessment)
Topic 1: Empirical Study Guide: Annotated Bibliography Class Activity Report to class summary of 2 articles read Starting on course week 3 (Jan 31), schedule for summary reports on 2 articles will be as follows: Week 3 ( Jan 31) – Students A, B Week 4 (Feb 03) – Students C, D,E Week 5 (Feb 07) – Students A, B Week 6 (Feb 11) – Students C, D,E Starting on Week 7 (February 28th), each week by Sunday midnight, students will send their weekly writing assignment (e.g. annotated bibliography) via email to their subgroup (A, B ---- C, D, E )copying the class instructor. Guide: Research Proposal/Article Presentation and Paper
Topic 2:Therapy Outcome Research (EBT) Guide Empirically Based Treatments (EBTs) Class Presentation and Article (RCT) Critique Identify a therapy approach that has been examined in RCT(s) and that there is a meta-analyses review of RCTs for the therapy approach. Class presentation about: (a) the therapy approach, (b) research findings about the treatment’s efficacy, and (c) critique of one RCT examining the efficacy of the treatment in terms of study’s internal and external validity (covered in class #4 February7).
Ongoing Class Discussions Class Activity Guide: questions/instructions for each class Student Facilitated Class Discussion Topics: Empirically supported treatments, evidence based treatments, and evidence based practice. (Duncan, B.L., & Reese, R. J. , 2012; Wampold 2103; Wampold & Imel, 2015). Research in Multicultural Psychology: Gender/sexual orientation (Moradi etal. 2009) and Socio - economic status (SES) (Diemer et al 2013) . Ethics in Research (Heppner et al., 2008 Chapter 6)
Research Questions………….
Conceptualizing a Research Questions Three steps: What do we know What we do not know How will the study bridge the gap Previous research questions lead to the question for my study
Testable Research Question Asks a Question About …… That …………
Testable Research Question Asks a Question: About the association (causal or correlational)of 2 or more constructs That can be measured/assessed
Process Describe research interests in general, broad terms. Identify testable research question(s) Identify the variables/constructs embedded in the question Provide conceptual and operational definitions Articulate a conceptual framework for proposed study that often leads to hypothesis
Types of Research Questions Descriptive Difference Correlational
Descriptive Questions Summarize/Categorize Information about variables Require large samples that are representative of the population of interest (e.g. epidemiology) Do not involve generation of hypothesis Descriptive statistics (mean, sd, proportions) No use of inferential statistics (no prediction involved)
Difference Questions Compare Means between groups Hypothesis testing - Use of inferential statistics Independent variable (IV): categorical Experimental (manipulated) Status (cannot be manipulated) Dependent Variable (DV): continuous
Difference Questions: Descriptive vs. hypothesis testing Goal: describe observations; do not require rational/hypothesis e.g. Proportion of men and women who favor the republican vs. the democrat nominee Difference questions for hypothesis testing require rational for expected differences Depressed people will score higher in hopelessness than non- depressed people
Correlational Questions Extent to which 2 or more continuous variables vary together Cross-sectional; longitudinal Pearson correlation coefficient r- bivariate correlation: strength and direction r = .35 r = -.35 r =. 50 Regression - multi IV’s test combined contribution of several IVs to one DV test unique contribution of each IV to the DV while controlling for the other IVs
Between Group Experimental Designs Post-Test Only Control Pre-Test -- Post-Test Control Solomon Four Group (combination of 1 and 2) Factorial Design Dependent Sample Design (Matching) Experimental
Treatments G e n d e r Women Treatment as Usual Culturally Infused Treatment Men Culturally Infused treatment G e n d e r
Between Group Experimental Designs Post-Test Only Control Pre-Test -- Post-Test Control Solomon Four Group (combination of 1 and 2) Factorial Design Dependent Sample Design (Matching) Experimental
Saul Rosenzweig (1907-2004) 1933 article, "The Experimental Situation as a Psychological Problem," helped usher in the field of experimental social psychology. developed idea of common factors that lead to psychotherapy integration 1936 article. experimental psychoanalysis. played a central role in developing frustration theory, including the concept of frustration tolerance. developed the idiodynamic approach to personality assessment in the late 1940s and elaborated on it until the end of his career. (events vs. traits)