Reports for Data & Progress Monitoring
Real-Time Reports on a Single Platform Teachers can monitor student progress and generate real-time data reports such as student scores, mastery of content & standards, overall progress, time on task, and much more!
Real-Time Reports on a Single Platform Teachers are able to query, view, report, track, and print individual student data or data for student groups, campuses, or the entire district! and much more!
Real-Time Data Informs Instruction Want to know how students are performing against established mastery levels? Or, how many attempts students have taken? Real-time data is essential and can inform teachers in making targeted instructional decisions.
Topic and Mastery-Based Reporting The Assignment Alerts tab in Odysseyware is a live data report giving administrators and teachers a play-by-play of student progress for the week. It's never been easier to identify whether a student is ready to advance or if a student needs remediation.
Standards Based Reporting With Spark! intervention and remediation, students receive real-time feedback on student performance of specific standards for ELAR and math skills. Teachers can assess whether a student is struggling and actively remediate with targeted support.
15 Real-Time, Robust, Flexible Reports Report Name Report Description Course Completion Breakdown Progress for all students in each course by decile percentage Course Percentage Complete Percentage of course completion along with the current scores for completed assignments Course Progress Monitor Number of students who are behind, on target, or who have not yet started a course Detailed Student Grading Student grades at assignment, unit, and course levels along with time on tasks Faculty Progress Teachers’ daily to-dos for their students Group Overview Average grade and percentage complete by course for all members of a selected group Group Progress Average course grade and percentage for group by enrollment Login/Logout Times How much time students spend logged into their student accounts Pretest & Posttest Scores Pretest & posttest score comparison for courses using CRx Mode Student Activity Daily Breakdown Detailed log of students’ daily activity in their course Student Activity Summary Student time on task for each enrolled course over a specified time frame Student Lesson Plan Student assignments for courses along with their due dates Student Progress Student scores, progress, and time on task Student Unit Grades Student scores unit by unit and cumulative scores for completed units Track Grade Overrides Changes to student assignment grades made by teachers
Student Progress Report Student Name Teacher Name ABC School District High School Health (2016) The most comprehensive report in Odysseyware includes a look at students’ scores, progress, and time on task: Use to monitor overall scores and progress Use when meeting with students before the end of a grading period Identify adjustments made to course weighting scale Identify number of assignments versus total number of assignments by category (lessons, projects, quizzes, and tests) Identify areas of strength and areas for score improvement by category (lessons, projects, quizzes, and tests) Monitor time on task Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers
Detailed Student Grading Report ABC School District Teacher Name Monitor student grades at the assignment, unit, and course levels along with time on task: View a detailed report to show student mastery at individual assignment levels (lessons, quizzes, projects, and test) View data for each assignment, including time opened, and time invested on each assignment, individual assignment scores, and cumulative unit and course scores Evaluate granular student data to identify areas of strength and areas for score improvement Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers
Course Percentage Complete View the percentage of course completion along with the current scores for completed assignments: Identify students who are off pace and in danger of not completing a course by the term end date View courses nearing completion and course averages Identify completed courses Compare total assignments vs. assignments completed to identify students who are on track and who are at risk Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers Student Name Teacher Name ABC School District Economics (2016)
Track Grade Overrides ABC School District Monitor teacher grade overrides View detailed student reports to review teacher grade overrides Review grade and status overrides for specific assignments, including lessons, tests, quizzes, and projects Review grade and status overrides for specific questions, including questions that are skipped/unskipped Compare original grades with teacher override grades Evaluate reasons for teacher grade overrides Available to: OW Admins ABC School District Student Name Geometry (2016) Teacher Name High School Health (2016)
Course Completion Breakdown Report ABC School District Algebra I (2016) Algebra II (2016) Biology (2016) Business Law (2016) Construction Careers (2016) Economics (2016) English I (2016) English III (2016) English IV (2016) Administrator updates on course progress for all students in each course by decile percentage: Observe how students are progressing through the school year Identify courses where students are consistently falling behind target View district or campus course progress Available to: OW Admins
Course Progress Monitor ABC School District Algebra I (2016) Algebra II (2016) Biology (2016) Chemistry (2016) Geometry (2016) Government (2016) Administrator updates on the number of students who are behind, on target, or who have not yet started a course: Identify courses where students are falling behind target Monitor enrollments, including active, on hold, and total enrollments Available to: OW Admins
Faculty Progress Report Teacher Name Student Name ABC School District Geometry (2016) Displays teachers’ daily to-dos for their students: Ensure teachers are responding to student needs/actions in a timely manner Ensure student grades are accurate and reflect the work they have completed Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers
Group Overview Report ABC School District Shows the course grade and percentage complete by course for all the members of a selected group: View progress and success for a group of students as a whole View a roster Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers Teacher Name Student Name ABC School District Group Name Algebra I (2016) Campus 1 246802 135791 123456
Group Progress Report ABC School District Displays the average course grade and percentage for your group by enrollment: Gather a range of student data for a group, including low, high, and average percentage of course completion and low, high, and average score achieved Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers ABC School District Communication Applications (2016)
Login/Logout Times Report Student Name ABC School District Shows when a user has logged in, when user has logged out, tallies session duration and calculates a total time spent logged in for each day: Capture the amount of time a user is logged into Odysseyware Monitor attendance Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers
Pre/Post Test Scores Report Student Name Teacher Name ABC School District Chemistry (2016) Monitors growth through a pre- test/post-test score comparison for courses using CRx Mode: Show growth from the beginning to the end of a unit Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers
Student Activity Daily Breakdown Report Student Name Teacher Name ABC School District Biology (2016) Algebra I (2016) Detailed log of students’ daily activity in their courses: Observe detailed information about daily navigation time, including a total for each day, and total duration for the term of the course Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers
Student Activity Summary Report Calculates student time-on-task for each enrolled course over a specified time frame: View a summary of navigation time by course is needed Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers Student Name Teacher Name ABC School District Geometry (2016) (CRx) World History (2016)
Student Lesson Plan Report Teacher Name Student Name ABC School District Biology (2016) (CRx) Observe all student assignments for courses along with due dates: View assignment information – show all assignment due dates for a course, comparable to a course outline Provide students with an assignment list to assist in keeping them on track Compare course content when a course is audited (for customization) Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers
Student Unit Grades Report Monitor student scores unit-by-unit along with their cumulative scores for completed units and course average: View a summary of navigation time by course is needed Data from CSV: View unit grades and course score View student progress at a high level Available to: OW Admins Super Teachers Teachers Student Name ABC School District Economics (2016) Teacher Name