Welcome to the launch of our Early Learning and Childcare Academy
10.15am Welcome 10.30am Key note speech 11.00am Workshops 12.00pm Launch of the ELC Academy Website 12.15pm Facilitated discussion 12.45pm Closing Remarks
Maria Walker Director of Education and Children’s Services Aberdeenshire Council
Launch of the Early Learning and Childcare Academy 6th March 2018 Dr Stella Louis
Theorists Fredrick Froebel (1887) Lev Vygotsky (1978) Susan Isaacs (1930) Jean Piaget (1969) These theorists showed me possibilities about the detail that might be noticed in my observations, as well as the absence of behaviours that they thought of as significant. For me, what is important about these theorists is that they all based their understanding of children on observing them,as opposed to only relying on a developmental checklist.
Network for learning First hand experience Competence Wallowing Metacognition Storying Play Games Representation
Play, representation and schemas Coordinates learning Brings together different learning in the network Helps children to understand and make sense of what they have been learning in ideas, feeling, relationships Helps children to realise what they know and understand, and to make connections Representation A process that culminates in a product, through which children show their view and understanding of the world. Representation needs to be based on the child’s own first hand experiences. Schemas Putting bricks in the truck Play always has a goal; there is always a challenge
How The Academy Can Help Knowledge of child development Develop skills in observation, assessment and evaluation Knowledge of schemas Every day experiences Developing play and encouraging creative activities Sharing knowledge of children’s learning with parents
Thank you for listening! Further reading Athey, C (1990) Extending thoughts in young children sage. Building the Ambition (2014). National Practice Guidance on Early Learning and Care. Scottish Government. Louis, S. Beswick, C. Magraw, L and Hayes, L. (2012) Understanding schemas in young children: Again! Again! Edited by Featherstone, S. Louis, S. (2014) Schemas and the characteristics of effective learning. Early Education. Bruce, T., Louis, S., and McCall, G. Observing Young Children (2015), Sage. Louis, S. (2018) Schemas for Parents available from sramlouis@aol.com
Workshop 1: Main Ballroom “Again, Again Workshop 1: Main Ballroom “Again, Again! An Introduction to Schemas” Workshop 2: Star Ballroom “2 year olds, Getting it Right!” Workshop 3: Northern Lights “Beyond the boundaries: the role of outdoor nursery provision as a context for improving outcomes for our youngest children.” Workshop 4: Promenade Suite “Promoting Curiosity, Creativity and Inquiry using digital technology”
Early Learning and Childcare Academy Website Sacha Will Early Years Service Manager Aberdeen City Council
Scottish Government ELC Recruitment Campaign Phase one launched October 2017 Focussed on school-leaver audience and included: Cinema adverts Video on demand adverts Social media Radio Phone boxes Dedicated website www.childcarecareersscotland.scot PR work Road-show Initial results are positive: 72,407 unique visits to the website 312,000 views of digital advertising Just under 5,000 young people engaged with at road-show events
Scottish Government are working to: Develop a Workforce Delivery Plan Increase the diversity of the ELC workforce Increase training capacity in colleges and universities Develop an online national programme of continuous professional learning opportunities to help the early learning and childcare sector identify developmental support available once qualified.
Resources page on website includes: Stakeholder tool-kit Printable posters and leaflets Social media images Please use and share!
Question 1: What are the priority actions to help to grow the workforce? (ie attract new people into the sector) Question 2: What are the priority actions to help to develop the current workforce? (are there gaps in skills/knowledge that currently affects the quality of Early Learning and Childcare provision, what can we do together to close these gaps?) Question 3: How can we develop the ELC Academy website to support growth & development of the workforce? What should be included in the website?
Laurence Findlay Corporate Director (Education and Social Care), Moray Council Northern Alliance Regional Improvement Lead