COURSE DESCRIPTION: 11/12/2018 In this course students build upon the skills and concepts learned in Drawing/Painting. Students continue to refine a variety of techniques to create compositions that incorporate the principles of color and design. Art history is used to enrich the creative process. Students continue to learn how to critique their own work and that of others.
COURSE OVERVIEW: In this course students will be working with a variety of different 2d drawing and painting materials. Materials may include; charcoal, drawing pencils, Prismacolor pencils, acrylic, gouache and watercolor paints. The main focus of the course is on learning new 2d drawing and painting techniques, while improving and building on the skills students already possess. Through the exploration of new mediums, artwork and artists students will further their understanding and use of the elements and principles of design while exploring new techniques and terminology. Students will be drawing from pictures, real life and from imagination. Students will also begin organizing works of art creating a collection of their finest pieces for potential use in an artist’s portfolio. This portfolio may or may not be used for AP Art and/ or other applications. Finally, students will acquire productive critique skills by examining their own art work and the work of their classmates.
GRADING: Students will be graded on; projects, daily participation, productivity, in class assignments and quizzes. Projects will be given a letter grade and will be graded on creativity, craftsmanship and overall design. Any project or assignment turned in late will lose one half of a grade for each day it is late, unless there is an excused absence. I believe in improvement and always putting forth your best effort. You always have the opportunity to redo a project if you are unsatisfied with the grade, providing that the original project was initially turned in complete and on time.
+ Portfolio for storing/moving artwork SUGGESTED SUPPLIES: $10.00 class donation to go towards the purchase of additional necessary supplies is strongly encouraged. + Sketchbook + Art supplies (acrylic/water color/ gouache paint, charcoal, drawing pencils, Prisma color pencils, etc.) + Portfolio for storing/moving artwork Rochester Community Schools provides all necessary materials and supplies for curricular classes.