Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017 Item 3.3. – UOE time series based on ISCED 2011, Eurostat's dissemination plans Maƚgorzata Stadnik Eurostat F5 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
UOE time series based on ISCED 2011 Background Aggregate ISCED levels DG EAC request Implementation in Eurobase Specific indicators with vocational/general orientation breakdown CEDEFOP request Additional data collection 4. Summary Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017 Background Until reference year 2012 (2011 for finance data), data from UOE was collected under ISCED1997 From reference year 2013 ISCED2011 ISCED levels at pre-primary and tertiary level changed; content included in particular in ISCED 3 and 4 changed in some countries Today: separate data trees for ISCED1997 and ISCED2011: From 2013 onwards: Until 2012: Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Aggregate ISCED levels DG EAC request aggregate ISCED levels: ISCED1+2, ISCED3+4, ISCED5+6+7+8 for data on enrolments, entrants, graduates, personnel, expenditure and language learning for 2000-most recent data Total of 13 time series Enrolment by sex and age by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Enrolment by type of institution by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 New entrants by sex and age by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Class-room teachers and academic staff by sex and age (aggregated) by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Expenditure by expenditure category (aggregated) by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Expenditure by type of source (private, public) by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Total public expenditure on education as % of GDP by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Total public expenditure on education as % of public expenditure by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Total public expenditure on education per pupil/student by ISCED 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Graduates by sex and age by ISCED 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Graduates by field of education (1 digit) by ISCED 3+4, 5+6+7+8 Pupils and modern foreign language studied, by ISCED 1, 2, 3, 3-gen, 3-voc Pupils by number of foreign language studied by ISCED 1, 2, 3, 3-gen, 3-voc Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Aggregate ISCED levels Implementation Reconstruction from available data in Eurostat no additional data collection Consultation of countries that asked for validation will take place in July 2017 Data will be added to existing new tables Flags will be added for few known breaks in series Dissemination of time series in Eurobase in September 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017 Cedefop's request Request from Cedefop for time series for more detailed ISCED levels and with a focus on program orientation Data on enrolments, graduates, and expenditure Covering the years 2000, 2005 and 2010 Eurostat's analysis Ad-hoc data collection needed for almost all requested data MS's indicated feasibility to Eurostat in 2016 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Additional data collection Eurostat carried out a voluntary ad-hoc data collection for: 2005 and 2010 Data on enrolments , graduates and finance Indicators requested: Students enrolled by ISCED levels 3 to 5 (2-digit level of detail, separately) and sex Students enrolled by ISCED levels 3 to 5 (separately) in combined school and work-based vocational programmes Total , public and private expenditure in education at ISCED level 3, 4 (separately) by orientation Graduates by ISCED levels 3 to 8 (ISCED levels 3, 4 and 5: 2-digit level of detail; ISCED 6 to 8: 1-digit level of detail) and field of education (2nd level of detail) Countries were invited to: send data to Eurostat by the end of January 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Additional data collection Results of the 2017 additional data collection: Participation: 18 EU MS and 5 EEA/EFTA and candidate countries Varying coverage depending on the indicator and the variables (time, ISCED level and category, sex) Problems with dissemination – gaps in datasets, no EU totals Limited relevance for analysis purposes Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017
Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017 Summary Eurostat informs about the planned dissemination of UOE time series on ISCED aggregate levels by the end of September 2017. Concerning the CEDEFOP request, Eurostat would like to thank countries that provided data and invites: Countries that did not take part in the data collection to submit the data Countries that submitted partial data to provide the missing indicators by the end of September 2017 Eurostat plans the dissemination in existing Eurobase tables by the end of the year 2017. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 1-2 June 2017