November 18, 2017 Brenda Antrim and Irena Zugic attending


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Presentation transcript:

November 18, 2017 Brenda Antrim and Irena Zugic attending ASCCC Fall Curriculum Regional November 18, 2017 Brenda Antrim and Irena Zugic attending

There and back again: A curriculum Journey 2017 ASCCC Curriculum Regional Meetings

Curriculum Streamlining: What is on the Horizon? While having automated approval of nearly all credit courses is wonderful, it does not cover all of the types of curriculum that are included in a college catalog. Work on expanding streamlining is already underway at 5C. The next additions that colleges can expect are: Automated approval of cooperative work experience courses Automated approval of nonsubstantial changes to existing credit (non- ADT) programs Automated approval of noncredit courses

Challenges Facing Streamlining Curriculum streamlining isn’t possible without some of the new functionality that was built into COCI The idea of streamlining wasn’t finalized until more than half way through the development cycle for the new inventory. Since the new inventory was deployed in July of 2017, there have been many challenges that have impacted the ability of colleges to submit curriculum to the Chancellor’s Office and for the Chancellor’s Office to approve it. A fully functioning COCI will be the backbone of streamlining going forward.

Baccalaureate Degrees 10 colleges – 2nd year Antelope Valley, Bakersfield, Feather River, Foothill, Rio Hondo, Santa Monica, Shasta, Skyline, San Diego Mesa, & West Los Angeles 5 colleges – Fall 2017 start Cypress, Modesto, Mira Costa, Santa Ana, & Solano Spring 2018 Graduations

UCTP Pilot Program Representatives from the Academic Senate’s of the UC and the CCC have worked together to explore degrees that would guarantee admission to the UC system The pilot program would be in Chemistry and Physics and would require students to complete An associates degree aligned with the UC Transfer Pathway Complete a modified IGETC pattern (IGETC for STEM with two additional courses removed) Chancellor’s Office has developed templates, similar to ADTs, for these degrees Templates have been reviewed and approved by 5C Waiting on completed MOU UC has created a transfer committee to look further at the issue.

Credit Certificates 5C has approved changes to Title 5 §55070 that were reviewed at Consultation Council on 11/16 Changes are: Decrease the minimum possible units for a Certificate of Achievement from 12 to 8 Decrease the unit threshold when colleges must submit a certificate for approval from 18 to 16 We have not determined when colleges will be required to have submitted their certificates that are 16 – 17.5 units or whether there will be a special approval process for those programs.

ADT UPDATE: The Challenging ADTs ADT AS-T Active Draft Status To Be Developed Biology 69 9 11 Chemistry 21 18 36 Computer Science 33 13 24 Physics 76 2 Music 40 4 6 Challenges not to exceed the 60 unit requirement Survey colleges to Determine barriers? How did colleges meet the 60 units? Does decreasing math or science units to not exceed 60 units impact the students?

Transfer Model Curriculum ADT Review Areas of Emphasis - Global Studies Social Justice Law, Public Policy, and Society Social Work and Human Services ADT Review SB 440 mandated 4 areas of emphasis Broader College can choose to do them

Increase Share of CSU Transfers with an ADT & Increase % of Students Earning a Degree before Transfer Challenges not to exceed the 60 unit requirement Survey colleges to Determine barriers? How did colleges meet the 60 units? Does decreasing math or science units to not exceed 60 units impact the students?

Credit Hour standards change in Title 5 Primary Changes: Removed reference to lecture and lab, replaced with “total student work” and “outside-of-class hours.” New requirement for local policy. Now REQUIRED by new title 5 regulations - §55002.5(f) District policy shall specify: the credit hour calculation method for all academic activities (lecture, activity, lab, clinical, discussion, studio, work experience, etc.) expected ratios of in-class to outside-of class hours for each type of academic activity standards for incremental award of credit standard term length (number used to determine divisor in calculation) calculation methods for short term and extended term courses provisions for monitoring compliance with state and federal regulations related to credit hour calculations Local policy is an academic and professional matter and should fall under your 10+1 process.

CSU executive orders and AB 705 CSU Executive Order 1110 eliminated the use of assessment tests and the placement of students into noncredit courses at CSU This could impact CCCs (in light of AB 705), but it is too soon to tell CSU still has admission requirements, while CCCs do not. Many curriculum changes could come as a result of 705, but guidance and regulations are not in place yet related to accelerated pathways or corequisite models Colleges are encouraged to wait before making sweeping changes

Noncredit courses and Community Service classes 5C has formed a workgroup to develop guidance for the following Offering credit and noncredit courses together Using noncredit courses as prerequisites for credit courses Noncredit courses as corequisites to credit courses (related to AB 705) When the course repetition regulations were changed, one option that was mentioned was allowing community services students to be in the same class as credit students 5C has requested a definitive legal opinion to determine if this is allowable If it is permissible, 5C plans to finalize and distribute guidelines by the 2018 Curriculum Institute

Breakout sessions Noncredit Curriculum Policy & Submission Info Update on COCI Curriculum Impacts of AB 705 Associate Degree of Transfer

Noncredit Categories Eligible for Apportionment EC § 84757; CCR title 5 § 58160 Noncredit Course Categories ESL Immigrant Education Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills Health and Safety Substantial Disabilities Parenting Home Economics Older Adults Short-term Vocational Workforce Preparation Noncredit course categories that are eligible for State apportionment, per EDC section 84757 (9 categories defined in EDC; 10th category (workforce preparation) defined in Title 5 section 55151) Underlined categories are CDCP enhanced funding (EDC 84760.5(b); Title 5 section 55151 – CDCP) The underlined instructional categories are eligible for (CDCP) enhanced funding, in accordance with Education Code 84760.5 and CCR title 5 section 55151 (i.e., ESL, Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills, Short-term Vocational With High Employment Potential, and Workforce Preparation).

Curriculum Review Process and Timeline Local Curriculum Committee Approval District Governing Board Approval College Submits Curriculum Proposal to CCCCO CCCCO Proposal Review & Approval Notice how processes illustrated above occur in a perfectly neat and linear fashion… *Approval timeframes are not in the PCAH 6th edition since we separated out the COCI submission guidelines and technical assistance portions of the PCAH, which will be provided at a future date.  However, there is nothing to suggest that there will be a change to the timeframe (PCAH 5 Ed, p. 15) for proposals that are NOT on the automated process (i.e., colleges will still need to build in this buffer). Follow your local curriculum approval process, first. Local Curriculum Committee District Governing Board Once approved locally, a designated college staff with access to the online CCC Curriculum Inventory can proceed with: Submitting the proposal record to the Chancellor’s Office for review. The average Chancellor’s Office approval timeframe is 60 days Curriculum proposals are reviewed in the order in which they are submitted into the queue Proposals submitted with discrepancies will be returned as a “Revision Request” Revision Requests will cause delays in the curriculum proposal approval timeframe. Timeframe determined per local policy Timeframe determined per local policy Submit proposal into COCI Occurs within 60 days of submittal to CCCCO; timeframe subject to total number of proposals received* *Note: Curriculum proposals are reviewed in the order in which they are submitted into the COCI queue, to include revision requests

Curriculum Review Process and Timeline (Reality) Draft Prepared in the college queue Submitted To the CCCCO for review Approved Active in Curriculum Inventory (in COCI 2.0, the college determines when to change status “Active”) College withdraws and proposes CCCCO sends revision request back to college *Approval timeframes are not in the PCAH 6th edition since we separated out the COCI submission guidelines and technical assistance portions of the PCAH, which will be provided at a future date.  However, there is nothing to suggest that there will be a change to the timeframe (PCAH 5 Ed, p. 15) for proposals that are NOT on the automated process (i.e., colleges will still need to build in this buffer). Follow your local curriculum approval process, first. Local Curriculum Committee District Governing Board Once approved locally, a designated college staff with access to the online CCC Curriculum Inventory can proceed with: Submitting the proposal record to the Chancellor’s Office for review. The average Chancellor’s Office approval timeframe is 60 days Curriculum proposals are reviewed in the order in which they are submitted into the queue Proposals submitted with discrepancies will be returned as a “Revision Request” Revision Requests will cause delays in the curriculum proposal approval timeframe. *Note: Curriculum proposals are reviewed in the order in which they are submitted into the COCI queue, to include revision requests resubmitted to CCCCO for review

Noncredit Resources Academic Affairs Noncredit Curriculum Webpage um/NoncreditCurriculumandInstructionalPrograms.aspx Annual Legislative Report - Preparing Students for Careers and College Through Noncredit Enhanced Funding, 2016-17 Association of Community and Continuing Education (ACCE) ASCCC Noncredit Committee - Basic Skills Initiative px CCCCO Program and Course Approval Handbook, 6th Ed Noncredit Instruction: Opportunity and Challenge, ASCCC, adopted spring 2009 The Role of Noncredit in the California Community Colleges, ASCCC, adopted fall 2006 The Course Outline of Record: A Curriculum Reference Guide Revisited, ASCCC, adopted spring 2017.

COCI Timeline and Current Status 1.6 Release 1.7 Contents 2018 Themes Today’s Topics COCI UPDATE: COCI Timeline and Current Status 1.6 Release 1.7 Contents 2018 Themes COCI Oversight College Support Welcoming Feedback rachel

COCI Status We’ve worked a lot of issues since May… Missing Attachments Course Validation Site Logins Sub Change Justification Proposal History Legacy Data Correction Duplicate Proposal Listings Role Based Permissions Program Control Numbers Program Course Association New Proposal Statuses Broken Attachments Approval Letters rachel Course Control Numbers Units and Hours …some we expected and many that we didn’t.

1.7 Contents Reviewer Site Navigation NC Units and Hours Behavior NC Approval Letters Timing of MIS Sync Backlog of Bug Fixes rachel

3 Key Product Themes for 2018 Support New Work Streams Parity to Legacy Complete Existing Features Support New Work Streams rachel

AB 705 UPDATE: Shifts Control 2017 ASCCC Curriculum Regionals AB 705 UPDATE: Shifts Control No community college district or college may use any assessment instrument for the purposes of this article without the authorization of the board of governors. The board of governors may adopt a list of authorized assessment instruments pursuant to the policies and procedures developed pursuant to this section and the intent of this article. The board of governors may waive this requirement as to any assessment instrument pending evaluation. If the Board of Governors creates a list of approved assessment measures, colleges will only be able to use those tools

2017 ASCCC Curriculum Regionals Requirements AB 705 (signed October 13, 2017) requires colleges to use one or more of the following when placing students into courses in math and English: High School Coursework High School GPA High School Grades If colleges are not able to obtain official transcript data, they can use self reported data or guided placement

Transfer Level in One Year 2017 ASCCC Curriculum Regionals Transfer Level in One Year AB 705 includes other details that could directly impact college curriculum A community college district or college shall maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level coursework in English and mathematics within a one-year timeframe Currently a year would include summer session, but guidelines or regulations could redefine a year Colleges might consider modifications to existing basic skills sequences to shorten the time to transfer level. Colleges are encouraged to wait until more information is available.

Demographics for ADTs (also by gender and age)

ADT Review The breakout detailed a number of areas that needed to be carefully checked, including GE, double-counting, ASSIST, C-ID, program requirements, and elements of the narrative…

More information to come… We’ll update you as we find out. This is all in flux. More information to come… We’ll update you as we find out.