NAESB Smart Grid Task Force PAP 04 Update Robert B. Burke – NAESB Task Force Co-Chair Toby Considine
PAP 04 Description Develop Common Mechanism for Communications Schedule and Interval for Energy Transactions For human interactions and human scheduling, ICalendar format is used. There is no equivalent standard for use in web services. Goal of this action plan is to develop a standard for how schedule and event information is communicated between and within services. The standard should support all of the functionality currently supported by ICalendar for application to the completion of a web service contract. Bring a common scheduling operation to diverse contracts in different domains. Grid-Interop 2009
PAP 04 Objectives Engage key participants from domains from Survey work to date and determine short-list precursors. Determine plan to expedite development of specifications to standards. Develop a plan for cross-referencing schedules and other documents/contracts in a message. Grid-Interop 2009
PAP 04 Document Ready For Comment On September 30, 2009, the National Institute of Standards and Technology officially assigned NAESB the responsibility to develop Requirements and Use Cases pertinent to Priority Action Plan items 3, 4 and 9. Recommendation contains a set of requirements relating to the use of date and time based data elements that are used in transactions for Demand Response Programs. This standard representation for date/time based data elements, would possibly be an XML representation of Icalendar date/times. Grid-Interop 2009
Sample Instances Representative Instances Description Adjustment Window The period of time prior to a Demand Response Event used for calculating a Baseline Adjustment. Advance Notification One or more communications to Demand Resources of an impending Demand Response Event in advance of the actual event. Baseline Window The window of time preceding and optionally following, a Demand Response Event over which the electricity consumption data is collected for the purpose of establishing a Baseline. Demand Response Event The time periods, deadlines and transitions during which Demand Resources perform. The Program Administrator should specify the duration and applicability of a Demand Response Event. All deadlines, time periods and transitions may not be applicable to all Demand Response products or services. Deployment The time at which a Demand Resource begins reducing Demand on the system in response to an instruction. Deployment Period The time in a Demand Response Event beginning with the Deployment and ending with the Release/Recall Grid-Interop 2009
PAP 04 Document Ready For Comment Document reviewed by NAESB SGTF on Nov. 5 Task Force voted to release for comment Comments due: November 30, 2009 Grid-Interop 2009