Security in MTS 14th May2013 SIG Report Fraunhofer FOKUS
Agenda (14.5.) 4 Participants: I. Bryant, A. Takanen, P. Schmitting, A. Rennoch, (supported by E. Chaulot-Talmon) ISO SC27 & ETSI Security workshop presentation 26th April Idea: MTS & SC27/WG3 Liaison TODO: send request (with current working documents) Discussion of draft document
SC27 WG3 liaison (to be decided) ISO/IEC 24759 Test requirements for cryptographic modules ISO/IEC 30127: Detailing software penetration testing under ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045 vulnerability analysis ISO/IEC TR 20004 Refining software vulnerability analysis under ISO/IEC 15408 and ISO/IEC 18045 for ETSI 101583 (Terminology) for ETSI 201581 (Security guidelines) WG3 is interested in ETSI 101582 (case studies)
SC27 WG4 liaison (to be decided) ISO/IEC 27034-4 Application security validation for ETSI 201581 (Security guidelines)
WI status and schedules Terminology and Concepts (Ari): 3rd draft (word document) considered comments and updates -> need to be reviewed (CTI or E2NA) Case studies (Ari/Jürgen): Plan: early draft with two case studies (Diamonds) 2-3 more case studies expected September (from Diamonds and Spacios)
WI status and schedules Design guide V&V (Scott/Ian): -> new draft available with new input from Ian and Scott (still early draft) Plan: stable draft and review in September. Security Testing Methodology (Scott): Plan: results to be integrated in V&V
„Terminology“ (3rd draft) 3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations 4 Introduction to security testing 4.1 Types of security testing 4.2 Penetration testing tools 4.3 Test verdicts in security testing 5 Security test requirements 6 Functional security testing 7 Performance testing for security 8 Fuzz testing 9 Security Testing activities mapped to SDLC
„Case studies“ (1st draft) Project case studies from: DIAMONDS project G&D Banking (available) Accurate (available) Radio Automotive More? SPACIOS project tbd
„Case studies“ (1st draft) For each of the case studies a similar structure of the description is planned. It will consist of the following parts: Characteriazation Background (challenges) System under Test Risk Analysis Security Testing Approaches Applied approaches Comparison with SoA tools/techniques Results so far Expectations Test Results Exploitation (value of techniques)
Next steps Jürgen/Peter: complete Diamonds case study input Ari/Peter: Invite E2NA and CTI to review Terminology & Concepts (after stable draft) ??? Ian/Scott: provide stable draft for September MTS: request formal liaison with ISO SC27/WG3&4 Next SIG meetings Discussion of current drafts in MTS#59 No SIG meeting planned (only if new drafts available)