Preventing and Combating Money Laundering CARDS 2003 twinning project Preventing and Combating Money Laundering June 2006 – December 2007 This slide is up after the last speech while we wait for you to start ! CARDS 2003 twinning projekt Sprječavanje i suzbijanje pranja novca lipanj 2006. – prosinac 2007.
Preventing and Combating Money Laundering Welcome to the final ceremony of the CARDS 2003 Twinning Project Preventing and Combating Money Laundering Mr. Palijaš starts here with greeting everyone, gives a short welcome and thank you speech. Dobrodošli na završnu svečanost twinning projekta CARDS 2003 Sprječavanje i suzbijanje pranja novca
TWINNING PARTNERS SURADNICI NA PROJEKTU State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia Mr. Mladen Bajić, State Attorney General Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Austria General Mag.iur Peter Zeller, Managing Director of the AEI Državno odvjetništvo Republike Hrvatske G. Mladen Bajić, glavni državni odvjetnik Ministarstvo financija Republike Austrije Peter Zeller, generalni direktor AEI Mr. Palijaš ?
trajanje: 18 mjeseci duration: 18 months proračun: 850 000 € FACTS ČINJENICE trajanje: 18 mjeseci proračun: 850 000 € aktivnosti: 46 radionica 3 radna posjeta svečano otvaranje i svečano zatvaranje projekta duration: 18 months budget: 850 000 € activities: 46 workshops 3 study tours kick off meeting and final workshop (close down event) Mr. Palijaš ?
PROJECT TEAMS PROJEKTNE SKUPINE CROATIA HRVATSKA AUSTRIA AUSTRIJA Dubravko Palijaš Project Leaders voditelji projekta Josef Mahr Rudolf Unterköfler Birgit Ertl Alfred Fuchs Jürgen Doleschal Damir Bolta Blanka Agbaba Svjetlana Harambašić Gordan Topolovec Component Leaders voditelji sastavnica RTA counterpart hrvatski RTA RTA (Resident Twinning Advisor) stalni savjetnik na projektu Ivan Plevko Thomas Hansa
MAIN OBJECTIVES GLAVNI CILJEVI Component 1 Management capacity part 1 Interministerial/interagency collaboration and information sharing Component 2 Management capacity part 2 optimizing the processes of handling money laundering cases and revision of the legal framework Component 3 Improvement of international cooperation Component 4 Audit of and setting up of IT - Anti Money Laundering System Sastavnica 1 Upravljanje mogućnostima dio 1 suradnja i razmjena podataka između državnih tijela Sastavnica 2 Upravljanje mogućnostima dio 2 unaprijeđenje postupka upravljanja predmetima pranja novca i ponovni pregled pravnog okvira Sastavnica 3 poboljšanje međunarodne suradnje Sastavnica 4 pregled i uspostavljanje informacijskog sustava za suzbijanje pranja novca
1 1 MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI S C A O M T Analysis of current situation in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing to implement a strategy in cooperation and information sharing system in the field of money laundering Structured consultation between the involved institutions Analysis of needs of current rules about operational structure, rules for installing national liaison officers System of cooperation and installation of an interministerial working group Guidelines for Suspicious Transactions Reports for reporting entities Comprehensive training programs Internal and external public relations Analiza trenutnog stanja na području suzbijanja pranja novca i financiranja terorizma u svrhu primjene strategije o suradnji i razmjeni podataka na području pranja novca Strukturirano savjetovanje među uključenim državnim tijelima Analiza potreba trenutnih pravila vezanih za radni sastav, pravila za namještanje nacionalnih časnika za vezu Sustav suradnje i uspostava radne skupine za suradnju među državnim tijelima Smjernice za prijavu sumnjivih transakcija za obveznike Sveobuhvatni programi izobrazbe Unutarnji i vanjski odnosi s javnošću C O M P N E T 1 S A T V N I C 1 These are results from the work plan – I suggest you go through them quickly because later on you will take more time to speak about the protocole.
1 1 MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI Guidelines for preventing money laundering and terrorism financing C O M P N E T 1 S A T V N I C 1 Smjernice za sprječavanje pranja novca i financiranja terorizma Manual for preventing money laundering and terrorism financing Important results from component 1 – it would be good to mention them … Mr. Palijaš can add at the end that trainings for prosecutors and judges start in spring -> Judicial Academy !! Priručnik za sprječavanje pranja novca i financiranja terorizma Training model for preventing money laundering and terrorism financing Prijedlog izobrazbe za sprječavanje pranja novca i financiranja terorizma
MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI 1 S A T V N I C 1 Protocol on cooperation and establishment of interinstutional working group for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing Announce the protocol… Protokol o suradnji i osnivanju međuinstitucionalne radne skupine za suzbijanje pranja novca i financiranja terorizma
PROTOCOL ON COOPERATION ... PROTOKOL O SURADNJI ... 11 institutions 44 officials in charge for daily data exchange on money laundering issues 11 državnih tijela 44 službenika zadužena za svakodnevnu razmjenu podataka vezanih uz pranje novca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. ... and take your time for speaking about it while this slide is up ! INTERINSTITUTIONAL WORKING GROUP MEĐUINSTITUCIONALNA RADNA SKUPINA 2 regular meetings several special meetings 2 redovna sastanka nekoliko izvanrednih sastanaka
2 2 MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI S C A O M T Gaps and Needs Analysis of the current legal situation and implementation acts Producing suggestions for the streamlining of the involved organizations Optimizing the handling of money laundering cases Trainings and seminars for representatives of State Attorney’s Office and USKOK, the FIU and ECCD to handle money laundering cases in an efficient way Modern financial investigate methods Analiza potreba i propusta trenutnog stanja u zakonodavstvu i provedbenih akata Davanje prijedloga za usmjeravanje uključenih državnih tijela Poboljšanje učinkovitosti vođenja predmeta pranja novca Obuka i seminari za predstavnike DORH-a, USKOK-a, UZSPN-a i OGKK-a, za što učinkovitije postupanje sa slučajevima pranja novca Suvremeni način financijskih istraga C O M P N E T 2 S A T V N I C 2 A quick run through… (Mr. Palijaš -> pls check financijske istrage!)
MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI 2 S A T V N I C 2 Action plan to improve effectivness of law enforcement measures and prosecution on money laundering Maybe Mr. Palijaš can add some extra words regarding this ? Maybe to speak this was prepared for the EU as part of the negotiation process ? Akcijski plan za poboljšanje učinkovitosti mjera provedbe zakona i kazneni progon pranja novca
3 3 MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI Improvement of the international cooperation Cooperation with FIU-net, Egmont, Interpol, Europol, OLAF 3 study visits Brussels/The Hague – OLAF, Europol, Eurojust and Belgium FIU Lyon – Interpol Austria – Criminal Intelligence Unit, United Nations Contact points and procedures of international cooperation Poboljšanje međunarodne suradnje Suradnja s mrežom FIU-a, Egmontom, Interpolom, Europolom, OLAF-om 3 radna posjeta Brussels/The Hague – OLAF, Europol, Eurojust i belgijski FIU Lyon – Interpol Austrija – Kriminalistička obavještajna služba, Ujedinjeni narodi Kontakti i postupci pri međunarodnoj suradnji C O M P N E T 3 S A T V N I C 3 Maybe you should mention installed liasion officers…
4 4 MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI Gaps and Needs Analysis of AMLS Design for IT-information management Special manual for data exchange, information security, authorization of employees of all involved partners Gaps and Needs analysis for the needs of the user and technical know how Analiza propusta i potreba sustava AMLS Nacrt za računalno upravljanje podatcima Posebni priručnik za razmjenu podataka, sigurnost podataka, ovlaštenje zaposlenika svih uključenih strana Analiza propusta i potreba za potrebe korisnika i tehničko znanje C O M P N E T 4 S A T V N I C 4 A quick run through..
4 4 MAIN ACHIEVED RESULTS NAJVAŽNIJI POSTIGNUTI REZULTATI IT strategy paper based on G&N for all involved ministries/stakeholders C O M P N E T 4 S A T V N I C 4 Strategija informacijskog umrežavanja temeljem analize propusta i potreba, za sva uključena ministarstva/sudionike Some important results from component 4 – these are things that are to be implemented and used in “real” life very soon ! Project Manual - IT-solution for data exchange, information security, education and authorization of employees of all involved partners Projektni priručnik - IT rješenje za razmjenu podataka, sigurnost podataka, obrazovanje i ovlaštenje zaposlenika svih uključenih strana
LET’S TAKE A LOOK AT SOME EVIDENCE ! POGLEDAJMO DOKAZE ! (Now prepare yourself for some “REAL” results ;) !) ... Just announce to the audience that you will take some time now to present that Croatia is more succesfull than other countries because of its practical approach to this subject ;) and then go to the next slide... POGLEDAJMO DOKAZE !
before the start of the project (9 years) 1997 - 2005 after the start of the project (2 years) 2006 - 2007 Mr. Mahr, you have the word ! (I hope you like this slide!)
BUT THAT’S NOT ALL !! ALI TO NIJE SVE !! Obustava financijskih transakcija (na prijedlog UZSPN-a) Blocked financial transactions (proposed by the FIU) kn 41.229.389,00 kn ≈ 5.647.861,51 € Privremeno oduzeto Seizure These are the figures for the lat two years (2006 and 2007). Mr. Palijaš, confiscated money goes to state budget, right ? (I am asking because of the animation next to the figures.) 127.376.647,88 kn ≈ 17.448.855,87 € Trajno oduzeto Confiscation 2.550.950,00 kn ≈ 349.445,20 €
FUTURE NEEDS POTREBE U BUDUĆNOSTI full political and institutional support active support for all experts from all levels following EU recommendations Prepare to finish your speeches... puna politička i institucionalna podrška aktivna potpora za stručnjake na svim razinama praćenje preporuka Europske unije
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! … THE END ! HVALA NA PAŽNJI ! Sretan Božić i Nova 2008. godina !