Programming vs. Packaged Easier if what you need is available Programming: Takes longer, can do anything
Related Classes GSP 470/570: Spatial Modeling GSP Programming II: Fall 2018 CS 325 Database Design W3Schools and other great web sites!
Servers Workstation Sensors Mobile
Types of Languages Scripted Compiled Each line of code is parsed, then executed Fast to write, slow to execute Great for data acquisition and preparation Compiled Entire program is compiled, then executed Slower to write, faster to execute Best where speed is needed Large data prep (LiDAR, UAV) Simulations
Applications w/Scripting Excel w/VBA R, SPSS, SAS ArcGIS, QGIS, BlueSpray… MatLab Logo Stella, GME Browsers: JavaScript Others…
Scripting Languages VBA in Excel Python R PHP Python! Easiest to prep data in Excel Python Most common for GIS Interfaces to SciPy, R R Vector and Matrix based statistics PHP Was most popular for server-side-scripting Python! JavaScript is the most widely used scripting language but it really only is used in web browsers (IE, FireFox).
Excel VBA File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon Under “Customize the Ribbon”, check “Developer” Developer Tab -> Visual Basic Right Click on the menu bar and select “Debug” to show debugging tools
VBA in Excel
Compiled Languages VB Java C#: Microsoft’s answer to Java Windows-only Visual Studio: powerful but expensive Visual Studio Code? Relatively easy to write Java Portable Free C#: Microsoft’s answer to Java C++: Too hard to write Fortran: Going away
Servers Workstation Sensors Mobile
Programming Languages Servers: PHP Python C++ C# Java Mobile: Android: Java Apple: xCode Sensors: Workstations: C++ Java Python SQL (database) C# Browsers: HTML CSS JavaScript
Python GIS Libraries ArcGIS: lots of functions, expensive, slow QGIS API is really challenging BlueSpray: fast, limited features, documentation, testing GeoPandas: Up and coming? Lots of open source libraries Only can get it to work with Anaconda? Not as many features as ArcPy but we can do anything in Python!