HOMETOWN OF JESUS WHERE DID JESUS’ FAMILY SETTLE WHEN THEY Cards 21-24 HOMETOWN OF JESUS WHERE DID JESUS’ FAMILY SETTLE WHEN THEY RETURNED FROM EGYPT? Several years passed and King Herod died. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him it was safe to return to Israel.. So the family packed up again. As they neared their homeland, Joseph heard that one of Herod’s evil sons, Archelaus, ruled Judea. They decided not to return to Bethlehem, or go near the city of Jerusalem, where the king lived. Instead they traveled further north, back to Mary’s village of Nazareth in Galilee, which was far away from Jerusalem. There they made their home. There little Jesus grew up.
WHERE DID JESUS’ FAMILY SETTLE WHEN THEY RETURNED FROM EGYPT? A. Bethlehem B. Nazareth C. Jerusalem Several years passed—what happened to mean old King Herod? How did Joseph know it was safe to return to Israel? Why did they not go back to Judea? Instead they traveled further north to where in Galilee? Whose native village was this? Is this where Jesus grew up?
AGE OF CHRIST WHEN LOST At the end of the Passover festival, everyone began the long walk home. There were so many people in the crowd, Jesus’ parents walked all day before they realized that their son was not among their friends and family who were making the return journey. Worried, Mary and Joseph hurried back to Jerusalem to look for him. Finally, three days later, they found Jesus in the temple, sitting and talking with the religious teachers. Everyone listening to the boy Jesus was amazed at his knowledge and understanding of the Scriptures. “Son!” Mary said, “Why have you done this to us? We have been worried and have been searching everywhere for you.” Jesus said, “But why did you need to search? Didn’t you know that I would be in my Father’s house?” Mary and Joseph didn’t understand what Jesus meant by “my Father’s house.” They took Jesus home and he grew in height and in wisdom. He was loved by God. Everyone who knew him loved him too. When Jesus was a boy, it was the custom for families to go to Jerusalem once a year for the Passover festival. When Jesus was twelve, His family went to Jerusalem just as they did every year.
AGE OF CHRIST WHEN LOST A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 When Jesus was a boy what was the custom for families to do once a year? How old was Jesus when the family went to Jerusalem? At the end of the Passover festival and beginning the walk home, what did Mary and Joseph realize? How long had they walked before they realized Jesus was not with them? What did Mary and Joseph do? Were they very worried? Finally, how many days later did they find Him? Where did they find Him? What was Jesus doing in the Temple? When Mary ask Jesus why He had done this, what was His reply? Did they understand what Jesus meant? Where did they then take Jesus?
LUKE 2:52 “AND JESUS INCREASED IN WISDOM AND STATURE, AND IN FAVOR WITH GOD AND MAN.” JESUS AS A BOY Jesus was to live in Nazareth until He was about 30 years old, and this is why, although He was born in Bethlehem, He is often known as Jesus of Nazareth. The Bible tells us that He ‘increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.’ In other words, He grew, not only in height but also in wisdom, knowledge and learning, and with God’s blessing, and people loved Him and respected Him. Jesus would also be taught in the local synagogue by the rabbi or scribes, where He would learn about the Jewish law. There would be no books and education consisted chiefly of repeating words and so learning the facts by heart. He would attend the synagogue for worship, and when He grew up, He would read aloud the scriptures there as would Joseph and all the other boys and their fathers. In His free time, He probably wondered about the countryside, where many of the things He saw, He remembered and used later in His teaching when He grew up and told people stories, or parables, about the familiar things of life—cornfields, sowers, vineyards, sheep and shepherds. His own knowledge made the stories very real and appealing to His listeners and helped them to see how the stories made sense in their own lives and dealt with their common problems.
LUKE 2:52 AND ___________” “AND ____________ INCREASED IN _______________AND ________________ AND IN FAVOR WITH ___________ AND ___________” Jesus lived in Nazareth until He was about how old? He was born where? Although he was born in Bethlehem, He is often know as Jesus of _________________? Jesus grew not only in height but also in W____________, K___________, and L_______________? Jesus was taught in the local what? Who taught Him? In His free time Jesus probably did what? Did this help Him later in His teachings?
JESUS’ TRADE As a boy, Jesus would help Mary in the everyday tasks of their humble home. As he grew He worked in Joseph’s carpentry shop. He learned to use tools such as a saw, a hammer and an adze, a cutting tool similar to an axe. There He would become skilled, making articles of wood. He learned to make roofs, doors, beds, chests, tables and chairs. Carpenters also made fence post and handles for farm tools, such as ploughs (plows) yokes and threshing instruments, so there would be plenty to keep the boy Jesus busy in the small farming community.
JESUS’ TRADE A. Carpenter B. Horseman C. Fisherman As a boy did Jesus help Mary in everyday tasks of their home? As he grew where did he work? Whose shop did He work in? What are some tools He learned to use? What are some things He may have made? Was there plenty of work in the small farming community where Jesus lived?