OUTLINE Remote team members OCD Requirements Prototype Architecture Life Cycle Plan Feasibility Evidence QFP
REMOTE TEAM MEMBERS 5 MIN - SAM V. / NICK Team’s strong points & weak points (operational view and technical view) concerns & possible solutions;
TEAM STRONG POINTS & WEAK POINTS Technical Foundations Fast Learners Project Experience Operational Great Organization Customer Focused Driven Weak Points Technical No Web Dev Experience NDI/COTS Risk Averse Operational Full team synchronization Schedule Information (Duality) (Sam comments) I would say that it shouldn’t be no web dev experience, but instead “little”
OPERATIONAL RISKS & MITIGATIONS Description Mitigation Personnel shortfalls Communication problems between members of diverse backgrounds. Midterms and recruiting season outside of class cause time conflicts. Plan more team meetings and participate in team-building activities. Delegate tasks efficiently to members with more time. Collaboration on source code Making sure the code works properly with different team members working simultaneously on different aspects of the project. Collaborating effectively using GitHub. Talking in meetings to understand everyone’s product. Lack of involvement with SCS in the facility manager Not meeting the manager or understanding their expectations of the system. Not enough communication with stakeholder. Actively involve stakeholder and build better relationship by improving communication and meeting the stakeholder.
TECHNICAL CONCERNS & SOLUTIONS Skill deficiencies in aspects of web technologies. Researching and learning several technologies to better understand server side programming languages and databases. Usability issues with UI and UX. Discuss operation concepts and scenarios with client and involve stakeholders early in development.
SOURCE OF OBSERVATIONS Team Communication Channels Email WhatsApp WinWin Negotiations Google Drive Documentation Prototyping activities
OPERATIONAL CONCEPT DESCRIPTION OCD- 10 MIN RACHEL System purpose; shared vision; proposed new system; benefit-chain diagram; system boundary; desired capabilities and goals
SYSTEM PURPOSE The COSMIC-System is an efficient and organized inventory tracking system for USC Viterbi’s STEM Education Outreach Programs. Provides an easy to use interface for managing and tracking inventory. Designed to increase time and cost efficiency for the STEM Educational Outreach Programs.
PROGRAM MODEL Assumptions: Stakeholders Initiatives Value Propositions Client and users will use the system once it’s deployed Inventory Manager will keep the system up to date with current inventory Stakeholders Initiatives Value Propositions Beneficiaries Developers: Team Members Client: Darin Gray Maintainer: Inventory Manager Users: Student Volunteers Student Organizations Schools Develop the inventory management system Provide Requirements Win Conditions Hosting System Feedback / Input Use the system Test the system Provide Feedback Provide spreadsheet to import current inventory Increase time efficiency through inventory organization, tracking item location, and automated reorder emails. Save costs by tracking inventory stock instead of over-ordering items due to disorganization. Easier lesson planning for student volunteers & teachers through our searchable interface. USC STEM-EOP Director STEM Staff People that STEM-EOP affect Students Teachers Student organizations TO-DO - Spreadsheet for Xue F
BENEFIT CHAIN DIAGRAM Legend: Initiative Stakeholder Assumptions: Client and users will use the system once it’s deployed Inventory Manager will keep the system up to date with current inventory Outcome Increased cost efficiency Tracking inventory stock instead of over-ordering items Better inventory organization, item location tracking, item reordering Faster and more organized inventory tracking system Improved inventory tracking system Increased time efficiency Develop the system More efficient lesson planning process Teachers and student volunteers improve lesson planning process Developers One-time data migration to get the new system up to date More organized and efficient inventory management Ensure system is being used correctly Provide current inventory data Deploy new inventory management process Train student volunteers, student orgs, and schools to use the new system Use the system Inventory Manager Student Volunteers, Student Organizations, Schools Department Director, Inventory Manager
SYSTEM BOUNDARY & ENVIRONMENTS Department Administrators Legend: Inventory Manager List of services Stakeholders and systems Student Volunteers Services provided: Inventory tracking Inventory search Advanced reservation Item check-in/check-out User privilege levels GoDaddy Student Organizations Support infrastructure: HTML CSS & Bootstrap JavaScript Angular JS PHP MySQL service users system administration users external infrastructure data sources critical interfacing system Inventory Manager (maintainer) MySQL Database Internet
CURRENT BUSINESS WORKFLOW Check-out an item Check-in an item Reorder an item ** change heading
CORE CAPABILITIES Capability Goals Priority Login/Logout: User can login using the email address and password they registered for their account with. High User Privileges: User access to features is determined by the privilege level of their account assigned when they register. Search: Users can search the inventory by any field including item name, tag name, availability, or description. Reserve: Users can reserve an item in advance by emailing the Inventory Manager their request. Only the Inventory Manager can enter reservations. Medium Check-out: Users can check-out an item they reserved, or check-out any item that is available. Highest Check-in: Users must check-in items they have checked-out and enter any relevant information in the notes fields.
LEVELS OF SERVICE GOALS Level of Service Goals Priority Level Browsers Supported: Safari 11, Firefox 56.0, Chrome 61, Chrome 60 High RWD / Mobile Compatibility: Desktop, Laptop, Smartphone Highest Database Scalability: Be able to handle 1000 different items in the system. add range of standard widths
ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS Organizational Goals Priority Improved inventory tracking system. Highest Increase time efficiency through inventory organization, tracking item location, and automated reorder emails. High Increased cost efficiency by tracking inventory stock instead of over-ordering items due to disorganization. Easier and more efficient lesson planning process. Medium
SYSTEM CONSTRAINTS Constraints Database: Database limited to MySQL because we are hosting the system on our client’s GoDaddy account. Server side language: Server side language limited to PHP because we are hosting the system on our client’s GoDaddy account.
PROPOSED BUSINESS WORKFLOW Check-out an item Check-in an item
REQUIREMENTS Sam V. (5 Min) Most significant requirements and its priorities level
REQ: ADMINISTRATIVE (1/3) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-1 As a User, I can request an account for a specific user type (org, volunteer, admin). 0.934 WC-1.1 Admin shall create accounts for new users and assign user type WC-2 As a manager, I can reserve an item. 0.884 WC-2.1 Admin shall be able to reserve an item WC-2.2 Admin shall be able to make reservations for volunteers WC-2.3 Reservations can be made same day WC-2.4 Reservations can be made no sooner than 3 weeks in advance WC-2.5 Reservation length is limited to one week WC 1 one option: As a user, I can be registered for an account by an admin (by sending an e-mail request) and am assigned a specific user type (org, volunteer, admin).
REQ: ADMINISTRATIVE (2/3) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-3 As an admin, I can add new items to the system. 0.775 WC-3.1 An admin can add new item to inventory WC-3.2 Only an admin can add to inventory WC-3.3 An admin can delete item from inventory WC-3.4 An admin shall be able to initialize item info (description, quantity, tags, location) WC-5 As an admin, I can read the item logs from the system. 0.631 WC-5.1-2 As an admin I can view current reservations/checked out items WC-5.3 Reservations shall have associated dates
REQ: ADMINISTRATIVE (3/3) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-7 As a manager, I can change the status of an item 0.544 WC-7.1 Sibling to WC-3.4 admin can update item properties (description, quantity, tags, location)
REQ: ITEM TRANSFER Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-8 As a user, I can view items I have checked out. 0.524 WC-8.1 A user can view their checked out items ( in dashboard) WC-8.2 Only admin/volunteer can checkout an item WC-9 As a user, I can return an item I've checked out. 0.508 WC-9.1 User shall be able to return item (in dashboard) WC-10 As a user, I can update an item’s "status" in the inventory when I check-out or return an item. 0.494 WC-10.1-2 System shall update status at check-(in/out) WC 10 notes
REQ: BROWSING (1/2) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-6 As a volunteer, I can check the current availability and location of an item in the system. 0.551 WC-6.1 Users shall be able to view item availability WC-6.2 Only Volunteer/admin can view location of items WC-6.3 Org role sole purpose is to browse inventory WC-6.4 Org shall not have access to location info WC-12 As a user, I can click on an item to view its details such as status, quantity, location. 0.374 WC-12.1 User can view item details by 'clicking' item picture 6.1 - split into 2 .. one for user can view avail.. one for volun/admin can view avail + location
REQ: BROWSING (2/2) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-14 As a user, I can search for a specific item. 0.339 WC-14.1 User shall be able to search inventory WC-14.2 Item shall be searchable by name and tags WC-15 As a user, I can browse through the STEM inventory. 0.32 WC-15.1 User can browse through inventory WC-16 The website should show image thumbnails in the browse mode. 0.197 WC-16.1 Item thumbnails shall be displayed while browsing WC-16.2 Item picture shall be displayed on item page (extension)
REQ: OUTWARD FACING (1/3) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-4 As a developer, I can import a spreadsheet of items into the inventory system. 0.674 WC-4.1 Team COSMIC shall be responsible for importing inventory into the system one time WC-4.2 Team COSMIC shall be responsible for providing the format to new manager in prep for importing WC-11 As an admin user, I can get an email notification when an item is out of stock. 0.447 WC-11.1 All Admins shall receive email notification for item going out of stock WC-11.2 Item stock status triggered by system update ( WC-10.1-2 ) WC 11 - Admin (all)? Specific emails only (right now, just Darin…?) WC 11 - I would say “As the STEM EOP Directory” ** all admin users get the reorder emails add: update on checkin?
REQ: OUTWARD FACING (2/3) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-13 The website should be rendered properly on mobile platforms. 0.373 WC-13.1 The website shall render on windows machine on chrome browser (inherent as cosmic is a web app) WC-13.2 The website shall render on mobile devices WC-13.2.1 The website shall render on iOS devices on safari WC-13.2.2 The website shall render on Android on chrome WC-13.2.3 Mobile support shall at a minimum support browsing (Stakeholder expectation)
REQ: OUTWARD FACING (3/3) Win Win Condition Priority Score WC-17 As a manager, I can click a button to e-mail Darin to reorder a given item. 0.177 WC-17.1 Admin shall have button to email Darin for re-order WC-17.2 User shall email Darin for ordering new item
PROTOTYPE / PRODUCT DEMO – 10 MIN MISHAAL Most significant capabilities
PRODUCT DEMO RECAP Prototype Presentation Demo UI Database integrated Login / User Privileges Check Out
PROTOTYPE - Database 3NF
PRODUCT DEMO Significant capabilities Demo ARB Demo Add new item Interoperability with the database Personnel Shortfall (Back-End Knowledge) Risk Mitigation Reservations High priority score item Check In Risk Mitigation of off-nominal return scenarios Gain feedback early from critical stakeholders regarding usability issues Demo purpose of prototyping these particular features
PRODUCT DEMO - BACK-UP SLIDES Inventory page (Browse)
PRODUCT DEMO - BACK-UP SLIDES Item details page: Check-Out Module [Student Volunteer, Admin Only]
PRODUCT DEMO - BACK-UP SLIDES Item details page: Reservations Module [Admin Only]
PRODUCT DEMO - BACK-UP SLIDES Item details page: Update Item Details Module [Admin Only]
PRODUCT DEMO - BACK-UP SLIDES User dashboard: Check-In Module [Student Volunteer, Admin Only]
PRODUCT DEMO - BACK-UP SLIDES Add New Item Page: Check-In Module [Admin Only]
ARCHITECTURE – 10 MINS TERENCE Top-level physical and logical architecture;
Admin Use Case List No. Use Case UC-1 Login UC-8 View Reservation UC-2 Logout UC-9 Cancel Reservation UC-3 View Inventory UC-10 Update Item Details UC-4 Search Inventory UC-11 Add Item UC-5 Check In UC-12 Remove Item UC-6 Check Out UC-13 Add User UC-7 Make Reservation
Student Volunteer Use Case List No. Use Case UC-1 Login UC-8 Reservation Request UC-2 Logout UC-9 View Reservation UC-3 Registration UC-10 Cancel Reservation UC-4 View Inventory UC-5 Search Inventory UC-6 Check In UC-7 Check Out
Student Organization Use Case List No. Use Case UC-1 Login UC-8 Cancel Reservation UC-2 Logout UC-3 Registration UC-4 View Inventory UC-5 Search Inventory UC-6 Reservation Request UC-7 View Reservation
STATUS OF NDIs •GoDaddy – Web server •MySQL – Database •phpMyAdmin - SQL User Interface
LIFE CYCLE PLAN 5 Minutes - Sam L
LIFE CYCLE PLAN Purpose of Life Cycle Plan Overall Strategy Develop project plans, estimate project effort for each incremental phase Record and update progress over each iteration of the project Manage workflow and identify responsibilities and skills of team Overall Strategy Architected Agile Assumptions One semester project length Team 7 total members 5 On-campus students 2 Distant Education Students
KEY STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders Roles Darin Gray Client & Director of STEM Educational Outreach Programs Xue Fei Lin Inventory Manager of STEM Education Outreach Programs Sam Lehardi Project Manager/ Life Cycle Planner/ Trainer Mishaal Aleem Prototyper/ Trainer Rachel Inouye Operational Concept Engineer/ Implementer Sitan Gao Feasibility Analyst/ Implementer Terence Williams Software Architect/ Implementer Sam Villarreal Requirements Engineer/ IIV & V/ Tester Nick Kwong Quality Focal Point/ IIV&V/ Tester implementer, testing, training
MAINTAINER’S RESPONSIBILITY Keep hosting package online Save weekly backups on hosting package Add new items into the system Monitor emails for inventory system Register new user accounts Understand domain models developed Learn basics of phpMyAdmin to maintain database MAINTAINER’S RESPONSIBILITY
FUTURE PLAN 1/2 Aside from Weekly Jira Tickets, Bi-weekly progress reports, risk and defect reports, project plan, and technical debt reports
COCOMO II SCALE DRIVERS PREC Nominal FLEX RESL High TEAM PMAT Precedentedness Development Flexibility Risk Resolution Understand the product objectives , but little experience working with related software systems Client has set forth minimum marketable features, but allows us some creativity on applying them Evaluated major risks and developed mitigation plans to reduce risk Able to communicative effectively and work together, but we are still quite new team so not completely cohesive. Capability Maturity Model Level 2, we have decent process established with basic management techniques and good documentation Team Cohesion Process Maturity
COCOMO II COST DRIVERS Platform experience, applications experience, language and tool experience, and analyst capabilities
COCOMO II RESULTS Analysis Results: SLOC: 2,700 Effort needed (120 hours / person-month): Optimistic = 5.60 person-month Most Likely = 7.00 person-month Pessimistic = 8.75 person-month Assumptions for 12 week fixed schedule: -Assuming 10 of 12 weeks fill COCOMO II phase (72% of total effort estimate) -Assuming 120 hours/person-month Total time spent by COSMIC team member: 12 hrs/week * 10 weeks =120 hrs Single team member effort: (Factor)(120 hours/person-month)(.72) = 120 hrs Factor = 1.39 CII person-months Total team effort with 7 members: 7 *1.39 person-month = 9.73 CII person-month
FEASIBILITY EVIDENCE – 10 MIN SITAN NDI/NCS alternatives, NDI/NCS evaluation & analysis results; Business case (beginnings, including benefits analysis); major risks; Capability and LOS feasibility evidence; 3 personas
Store data (eg. user, item, check-in/check-out record) NDI CHOICE NDI Products Purposes AngularJS Javascript Framework PHP Programming Language MYSQL Store data (eg. user, item, check-in/check-out record) GoDaddy Hosting
BUSINESS CASE Cost (cost factors) Development costs Maintenance costs Domain costs Benefits (Key performance indicators – KPIs) Save times for people who wants to borrow items Have a better management of items
MAJOR RISKS Risks Risk Exposure Risk Mitigations Potential Magnitude Probability Loss Personnel shortfalls: Skill deficiencies in aspects of web technologies and lack of cohesion between members as new team just formed. Communication problems between members of diverse backgrounds. Midterms and recruiting season outside of class cause time conflicts. 6 36 Researching and learning several technologies and better understanding of server side programming languages and databases. Plan more team meetings and participate in team-building activities. Delegate tasks efficiently to members with more time. Inventory management system crashing and loss of information Inventory management system crashing and loss of information: Bugs, malfunctions, malware, etc. may cause database to not function and crash, potentially losing months of information 8 4 32 Developing extra features to create savepoints and restore points for the system. Gold Plating /Requirements mistmatch: Taking too much time to develop features that add little value to the overall user experience of the product. 5 30 Performing case-analysis and holding win-win negotations with client. Taking surveys from stakeholders to determine most important features. Inability to handle multiple users: Various schools/organizations/students will have access which may cause real-time issues for reserving items. 24 Prototyping system to determine how many users can actively use system with no performance loss. Discuss with client expected amount of users. Requirements change: Client introduced modifications to pre-existing features to improve overall quality and flow of system. Incremental development of highest priority features and functions first. Schedule hardest features and discuss with client
PERSONNEL COSTS Activities Time Spent (in hours) Client Meeting: 1h/w * 12 w 12 Win-Win Sessions: 2 sessions * 1h 2 Training: 2h ARB: 1 session * 1.5h 1.5 CCD: 1 session * 1h 1 TRR: 1 session * 1.5h Total 20 (Sam comments) Should be “personnel costs” Client doesn’t attend team meetings and therefore should not be a cost. What is included in Documentation review? -core capabilities drive through -TRR Presentation (transition readiness review)?
HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE COSTS Type Cost Rationale Development Cost $0 Only use PHP、AngularJS and MYSQL to develop Maintenance Cost No foreseeable maintenance costs Hardware Cost No foreseeable hardware costs GoDaddy Economy Cost $7.99/month Gain a hosting package
BENEFIT ANALYSIS Current activities & resources used Current Time Spent (Hrs/Yr) Proposed Time Spent (Hrs/Yr) % Reduction Time Saved (Hrs/Yr) Find Item User: See if there are items available 60 6 90% 54 Reserve Item User: Send e-mail of reserve request Manager: Set item reserved 75 10 87% 65 Manage Item Manager: Manage, update and track item 50 15 70% 35 Total 154 The data is just I estimate. time used before/now
PERSONA 1 – JENNY MILLER Basic Demographics: 20, Female, USC Undergraduate Student Background: Jenny grew up in Pasadena, CA. She is a Sophomore at USC majoring in Computer Science and living in the on-campus dorms. She is an excellent student, and in her free time she works as one of the student volunteers for USC Viterbi’s STEM-EOP. User Scenario: Jenny is going to facilitate a robotics project at a nearby high school. She wants to reserve 8 robot kits to bring with her to the school next Wednesday. She will need to check out the robots on Wednesday morning, and plans on returning them Thursday morning. Computer Literacy: Jenny is a computer science student, and is very technically fluent. Her browser of choice is Chrome, but she can use any web browser easily (desktop or mobile). [1 min]
PERSONA 2 – SPENCER LEE Basic Demographics: 28, Male, USC Graduate Student Background: Spencer grew up in Seattle, WA. He did his undergraduate degree in Biology at The University of Washington, and is now getting his PhD in Biology at USC. He works part-time as the Inventory Manager for USC Viterbi’s STEM EOP. User Scenario: Spencer receives an email from a student volunteer with a list of items and quantities they would like to reserve for an upcoming project, along with their reservation dates. Spencer needs to confirm that those items and quantities are available, and then reserve each item for the specified date and quantity. Computer Literacy: Spencer has average technical fluency relative to his peers. He exclusively uses Safari as his browser of choice on his MacBook and iPhone. [1 min]
QFP 5 min - Nick Traceability Matrix and summary; Quality Management Strategy; Defect Identification review type summary (what & how) by document section or UML, and current defect injection & removal matrix, Technical debt
QUALITY/CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT Quality Management Benchmarking Compare to other similar websites, such as Amazon Peer Review Test Cases Configuration Management Revision control through GitHub Baseline requirements established through win-win negotiations verified and updated through client meetings
TRACEABILITY MATRIX (1/3) Requirement ID Verification Type Test Identifier Test Case WC-1 User can request an account Testing TC-01: Request an account TC-01-01: Check that admin users can create accounts TC-01-02: Check that user with new account created by admin can log in WC-2 Manager can reserve an item TC-02: Reserve an item TC-02-01: Check that only admin users can access reservations TC-02-02: Check that reservations are successful TC-02-03: Check that reservations cannot be more than 3 weeks in advance WC-3 Manager can add new items to the system TC-03: Add new item TC-03-01: Check that only admin users can add a new item TC-03-02: Check that only admin users can set the information of new items being added TC-03-03: Check that only admin users can delete an item TC-03-03: Check that new items are added successfully TC-03-04: Check that items can be removed successfully
TRACEABILITY MATRIX (2/3) Requirement ID Verification Type Test Identifier Test Case WC-4 Developer can import a spreadsheet Testing TC-04: Import spreadsheet TC-04-01: Check that spreadsheet is successfully imported WC-5 Manager can read item logs TC-05: Read item logs TC-05-01: Check that only admin users can view current reservations WC-6 Check current availability and location TC-06: View item availability and location TC-06-01: Check that all users can view item availability TC-06-02: Check that only admin and student volunteer users can view item locations WC-7 Manager can change an item’s status TC-07: Change item status TC-07-01: Check that only admin users can update item properties WC-8 Users can view their checked-out items TC-08: View own items TC-08-01: Check that all users can view items they checked out TC-08-02: Check that only admin and student volunteer users can check out items WC-9 Users can return their checked-out items TC-09: Return items TC-09-01: Check that all users can return items they checked out WC-10 Item status changes with quantity TC-10: Item status changes with quantity TC-10-01: Check that an item’s status is “available” if the quantity is positive TC-10-02: Check that an item’s status is “unavailable” if the quantity is 0
TRACEABILITY MATRIX (3/3) Requirement ID Verification Type Test Identifier Test Case WC-11 Admin email notification for out of stock items Testing TC-11: Out of stock items TC-11-01: Check that admin users are notified when an item is out of stock WC-12 Users can view item details TC-12: View item details TC-12-01: Check that all users can view item details WC-13 Website is usable on multiple platforms TC-13: Website is cross-platform TC-13-01: Check that website is fully functional on Windows machine with Chrome browser TC-13-02: Check that website is fully functional on iOS devices with Safari browser TC-13-03: Check that website is fully functional on Android devices with Chrome browser WC-14 Users can search for an item TC-14: Search for an item TC-14-01: Check that all users can search for an item TC-14-02: Check that items are searchable by name and tags WC-15 Users can browse the inventory TC-15: Browse inventory TC-15-01: Check that all users can see all items WC-16 Website should show item images TC-16: Show item images TC-16-01: Check that all items have images when browsing TC-16-02: Check that all item details include an image WC-17 Manager can email Darin to re-order an item TC-17: Email Darin TC-17-01: Check that only admin users can email Darin to re-order an item
TRACEABILITY MATRIX SUMMARY Completed Incomplete Total Requirements/Test Identifiers 12 5 17 Passed Failed Untested Total Test Cases 21 2 6 29
DEFECT INJECTION & REMOVAL MATRIX Avoidable Defects: Spelling errors and issues in syntax Entering decimals/negative/zero for quantity checkout Unavoidable Defects: Lack of feedback from facility manager Inability to test on client hosting package Defect Injection Phase Defect Removal Step Requirements Design Coding Total Requirements Review Design Review Testing C D A,B 4 Customer Detected 1 2
TECHNICAL DEBT Description Category1 Category2 Has it been fixed? How did you fix it/mitgation plan No. of weeks active Due to availability issues, scheduling conflicts, and midterms, we have not met with the one of the success critical stakeholders yet (facility manager) Personnel Shortfalls Reckless Inadvertent No Actively involve stakeholder and build better relationship by improving communication and meeting the stakeholder. 2 Although the database currently works correctly, we have not checked that the database is formatted properly due to lack of domain knowledge Prudent Deliberate Yes Spend more time learning about databases and have multiple team members confirm that the database is built properly and is 3NF. 1 Although the website is currently running with similar hosting parameters, we have not tried running it with the client's actual hosting package. Methods, Processes and Tools (MPT) Shortfalls We will transfer the website to the client's server for testing. 3
Questions? – 20 MIN Things done right; issues to address (Instructional staff)