“He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, and to be almost saved is to be entirely lost.”
Acts 26:28
Persuaded of Who Jesus Is Evidence that backed up what he preached – Acts 26:12-18 “Not done in a corner” – Acts 26:26 Jesus’ miracles would not have escaped Agrippa’s notice – Matthew 4:24,25 “That you may believe” – John 20:29-31
Persuaded of Who Jesus Is Turn water to wine – John 2:3-11 Healing Nobleman’s son- John 4:46-53 Curing lame man – John 5:5-9 Feeding of 5,000 - John 6:1-14 Walking on water – Matthew 14:24-27
Persuaded of Who Jesus Is Recovering sight of man born blind – John 9:1-7 Raising Lazarus from the dead – John 11:1-44 His own resurrection – Acts 26:12-20 Attention to the Prophets - Acts 26:27,3,28
Persuaded of Who Jesus Is What about You? IF you have not yet come to the conclusion that Jesus is The Christ, the Son of God – Study the evidence for yourself. Study Jesus’ Miracles Compare Jesus’ Life with Prophets What does it point to?
Persuaded of Your Soul’s Condition Not enough to believe Who Jesus is Intellectually – Matthew 8:29 Peter presented evidence on Pentecost – Acts 2:36 Response – Pierced to the Heart Acts 2:37 Belief comes from FACTS Conviction comes from application of conclusions facts support.
Questions that Reflect Process: Since Jesus is Lord & King, how does my life compare with His Law? Since Jesus is Lord & King, how does my conscience feel as I review my life? Since Jesus is Lord & King and I have broken His law, what has this done to my relationship with God? Since Jesus is Lord & King, what does my sin have to do with His crucifixion? Since Jesus is Lord & King, shouldn’t I Be anxious to ask, “What must I do?”
Description of Those Not Christians: Lost – Luke 19:10 Dead- Ephesians 2:1 Condemned- John 3:18 Filthy- Psalm 53:3 Captive- Ephesians 4:8 Indebted- Luke 11:4 Citizen of kingdom of darkness- Colossians 1:13
Soul’s Destiny: HELL
Description of Christians: Found – Luke 15:24,32 Alive – Colossians 2:13 Justified- Galatians 3:24 Washed – 1 Corinthians 6:11 Redeemed – Titus 2:14 Pardoned – Hebrews 8:12 Citizen of kingdom of Jesus- Colossians 1:13
Soul’s Destiny: Heaven
“Altogether persuaded?” Repent & be baptized Today! Persuaded to Act Peter told the Jews to Repent & Be Baptized for the forgiveness of Sins- Acts 2:38; 2:41 What about YOU? “Altogether persuaded?” Repent & be baptized Today!
“He who is almost persuaded is almost saved, and to be almost saved is to be entirely lost.”