Introduction to EbD-BUZZ for EbD Teachers Welcome to EbD-BUZZ. This video is designed to help EbD teachers quickly acclimate to the EbD-BUZZ environment.
Single Sign On (SSO) at EbD-BUZZ is fully integrated with the ITEEA website. To access EbD-BUZZ, visit Log in using your ITEEA credentials. If you are an EbD-BUZZ user, or if you used the EbD Portal in the past, your account was already imported into ITEEA’s system. If you are just getting started with Engineering byDesign, check with your district or state supervisor to be sure they’ve sent us a Network Agreement containing your information. Regardless of your prior status with EbD, you do NOT need to create a new user account on the ITEEA website. EbD Tech Support will take care of this for you. To log in, click the EbD-BUZZ button and log in using your email and password.
If you DO NOT know your password, click the EbD-BUZZ button. Click “Forgot your Login Information.” Enter your email address under “Recover Password.” A message will be sent to your email address with a temporary password. You might need to check your junk or spam folder for this message. Now click the EbD-BUZZ button and login with your email address and your new password.
After you have successfully logged into ITEEA’s site, you will see “Welcome, YourName” and you will now see a “Manage Profile(s)” button. Run your mouse over the Manage Profile(s) button and click on the “My Profile” dropdown. Click the “Edit Profile” button on the right. Click on the “Account Settings” tab. Copy and paste the password you were sent in the “Current Password” field. Enter your new password. Click “Save Changes.” *It is extremely important that you use this method to change your password, and that you DO NOT CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD INSIDE EbD- BUZZ. IF YOU DO YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO LOGIN TO THE EbD-BUZZ SITE. For a PDF version of what I’ve described above, go to
Select the teacher app if given the option of teacher, student, or admin. Once you have logged in to EbD-BUZZ, select the teacher app. In some cases, EbD teachers will have the option of logging in as something other than a teacher. If you are serving in an administrative role, you might have the admin option. If you attended EbD professional development over the summer, you might still see a student option.
Why am I missing courses? Did I administer pre and post assessments last year? → If not, your EbD Lead Teacher or district or state supervisor should request access using the “Request for EbD Access Changes” form. The link for this form is available at Has my school’s Network Agreement been renewed? → Your district or state supervisor may need to take care of this for you. Your EbD Lead Teacher or your district supervisor should be your first point of contact in answering this question. Once you’ve logged in as a teacher, your splash page will display all the courses in which you are enrolled as a teacher. If you are missing courses, this could be for a couple of reasons. According to the EbD Network Agreement, all EbD teachers must administer the pre and post assessments. If this was not done last year in one of your courses, your access might not have auto-renewed for this year. If this applies to you, your EbD Lead Teacher or district or state supervisor should request access using the “Request for EbD Access Changes” form. The link for this form is available on the EbD-BUZZ Online Resources web page shown here. Your enrollment might also be affected by your school’s Network Agreement renewal status. Your district or state supervisor may need to take care of this for you. Your EbD Lead Teacher or your district supervisor should be your first point of contact in answering this question. Other factors affecting course access for teachers might be a transfer from one school to another, or the addition of a new course to a teacher’s load. In situations such as these, the EbD Lead Teacher or the district supervisor should use the “Request for EbD Access Changes” form.
Here is an example of the teacher splash page Here is an example of the teacher splash page. This is what you will see when you have logged into EbD-BUZZ as a teacher.
There is a dropdown profile menu in the top right corner of your screen. Use this menu to switch between teacher, student, and admin apps, if those options apply to you. You can also use this menu to upload a profile photo, modify a few viewing preferences, and change themes and layouts for your page. It is extremely important that you do not change your password using this menu. Doing so will result in your being locked out of EbD-BUZZ. If you wish to change your password, remember that you should do so on the “Edit Profile” page as shown earlier in this video.
Menu Icon Let’s go ahead and select a course, and take a look at some of the basics of using the EbD-BUZZ Teacher Guides. This is what I see when I view my section of Advanced Design Applications as a teacher. The screen layout consists of
The course navigation bar The course navigation bar. Click on the Menu icon (the three horizontal lines to the left of the course title) to open the course navigation bar on the left side of the screen;
the course menu on the left side of the screen;
and the larger pane for viewing course content.
Now let’s look inside this course at the way the content is organized. You might be familiar with breadcrumbs, which is a method of web navigation that tells you where you are within a site relative to the rest of the site. The term comes from the Hansel and Gretel story. Hansel leaves a trail of breadcrumbs so the children can find their way home. Navigation within an EbD-BUZZ course functions in a similar way.
You can back out of the content the same way you entered it, using the course outline pane. You can also use the Course Home button, found in the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the screen.
Now let’s look more closely at the BUZZ navigation bar on the left side of the screen. Open the navigation bar by clicking on the Menu icon. It is represented by three horizontal lines to the right of the course title. You can expand the menu by clicking on the menu icon at the top of the bar.
Home is BUZZ's landing page and starting point for navigating the app Home is BUZZ's landing page and starting point for navigating the app. It displays current announcements for all courses, the To-do List for all courses, and Course Cards. This tool gives you a good overview of what's happening in all of your current courses. Home is BUZZ’s landing page and starting point for navigating the app. It displays current announcements for all courses, the To-do List for all courses, and Course Cards. This tool gives you a good overview of what's happening in all of your current courses.
Open Activities for access to what your students see when they visit your Course Home and to review/test activities. You can also add and/or edit the landing page content students see on visiting the Course Home. At present, EbD courses are still designed to serve as teacher guides. They are not intended to serve as student-facing courses right now. The only resources designed for student access are the pre and post assessments. The Activities button gives you access to what your students see when they visit your Course Home and to review and test activities. You can also add or edit the landing page content that students see when they visit the Course Home. At present, EbD courses are still designed to serve as teacher guides. They are not intended to serve as student-facing online courses right now. The only resources designed for student access are pre and post assessments. You can click on the Activities icon on the course menu navigation bar or your BUZZ home page. You can click on the Activities icon on the course menu navigation bar or your BUZZ home page.
The Performance tool enables you to record and review student progress in many areas. You can review and enter grades with the Gradebook, review your students' objective mastery with Mastery, review student progress in the course with Unit Summary, and access students' personalized activities using For Me. The Performance tool enables you to record and review student progress in many areas. You can review and enter grades with the Gradebook, review your students' objective mastery with Mastery, review student progress in the course with Unit Summary, and access students' personalized activities using For Me. You can access the Gradebook from your course menu or your BUZZ home page. Since EbD courses are functioning primarily as teacher guides, you’ll likely not use this tool too much right now, but you can use it to view pre and post assessment data. You can access the Gradebook from your course menu or your BUZZ home page.
You can access Reports from your course menu or your BUZZ home page. In Reports you can run Gradebook, Student, and Mastery Reports for your courses. These reports provide high-level perspectives on student performance and course effectiveness. In Reports you can run Gradebook, Student, and Mastery Reports for your courses. These reports provide high-level perspectives on student performance and course effectiveness. You can access Reports from your course menu or your BUZZ home page. You can access Reports from your course menu or your BUZZ home page.
The People tool provides at-a-glance access to various student data points in one simple table. Use it to track student progress, create and manage groups, send mail, and add or drop students. Teachers: PLEASE DO NOT USE THE “INVITE STUDENTS” FEATURE TO ENROLL STUDENTS IN YOUR COURSE. We will go over the correct method for sharing student login instructions in the next few slides. The People tool provides at-a-glance access to various student data points in one simple table. Use it to track student progress, create and manage groups, send mail, and add or drop students. Teachers: PLEASE DO NOT USE THE “INVITE STUDENTS” FEATURE TO ENROLL STUDENTS IN YOUR COURSE. We will go over the correct method for sharing student login instructions in the next few slides. You can access the People tool from your course menu or your BUZZ home page. A separate video on uploading and enrolling students has been made available to you. It is located on the EbD-BUZZ Online Resources webpage. You can access the People tool from your course menu or your BUZZ home page.
Rostering Students in EbD-BUZZ Before you can administer pre-assessments, your students must first be added as new users in EbD-BUZZ and then enrolled in your course copy. There are three ways to add students to EbD-BUZZ: EbD Teachers can add students individually. EbD Lead Teachers can add students by uploading properly formatted .csv roster files, if they are already familiar with this process. Teachers, Administrators, Supervisors, etc. can send properly formatted .csv roster files to EbD Tech Support, and we will upload and enroll students for you (typically a 5-7 day turnaround). *RECOMMENDED METHOD* To request student roster uploads, email your class roster file(s), one file per course copy, to Each roster must be completed using this Excel template (and must be formatted exactly as shown): Excel Template for Importing Student Rosters to EbD-BUZZ For more detailed information on adding students in EbD-BUZZ, please see the “Adding Students in EbD-BUZZ and Administering Assessments” tutorial on the EbD-BUZZ Resources page: Before you can administer pre-assessments, your students must first be added as new users in EbD-BUZZ and then enrolled in your course copy. There are three ways to add students to EbD-BUZZ: EbD Teachers can add students individually. EbD Lead Teachers can add students by uploading properly formatted .csv roster files, if they are already familiar with this process. Teachers, Administrators, Supervisors, etc. can send properly formatted .csv roster files to EbD Tech Support, and we will upload and enroll students for you (typically a 5-7 day turnaround). *RECOMMENDED METHOD* To request student roster uploads, email your class roster file(s), one file per course copy, to Each roster must be completed using this Excel template (and must be formatted exactly as shown in the example): Excel Template for Importing Student Rosters to EbD-BUZZ For more detailed information on adding students in EbD-BUZZ, please see the “Adding Students in EbD-BUZZ and Administering Assessments” tutorial on the EbD-BUZZ Resources page:
Administering Pre and Post Assessments Please remember that the EbD Network Agreement requires that teachers administer pre and post assessments. *Please remember that the EbD Network Agreement requires that teachers administer pre and post assessments.
via single sign-on. When it’s time to administer pre and post assessments, students will NOT log in to EbD-BUZZ via single sign-on. Instead, the teacher will share with students their own “Splash Page” URL. This is the URL at the top of the teacher’s landing page in EbD-BUZZ, which displays their course copy icons: Example of a Teacher’s Splash Page: Splash Page URL When it’s time to administer pre and post assessments, students will NOT log in to EbD-BUZZ via single sign-on. Instead, the teacher will share with students their own “Splash Page” URL. This is the URL at the top of the teacher’s landing page in EbD-BUZZ, which displays their course copy icons. Here is an example of a Teacher’s Splash Page.
Sharing the “Splash Page” URL with Students Teachers: Share the URL at the top of YOUR EbD-BUZZ splash page with your students so they can log in to take the pre or post assessment. Here’s an example of a teacher’s splash page URL: Your splash page URL will be specific to your state, school district and school name. IMPORTANT: DO NOT include the “/teacher...” piece in the URL that you share with students. Your splash page URL ends with “” Teachers: Share the URL at the top of YOUR EbD-BUZZ splash page with your students so they can log in to take the pre or post assessment. Here’s an example of a teacher’s splash page URL. Your splash page URL will be specific to your state, school district, and school name. DO NOT include the “/teacher...” piece in the URL that you share with students. Your splash page URL ends with “”
EbD-BUZZ Login Instructions for Students After students enter your splash page URL into their web browser, they will arrive at the blue EbD- BUZZ login page that features your school name. Example: Students MUST click on the three horizontal dots rather than “Log In” for their their credentials to work as they should. After students enter your splash page URL into their web browser, they will arrive at the blue EbD-BUZZ login page that features your school name. Then they must follow these steps, in THIS order: FIRST, click on the three dots beside the word LOGIN at the top right of the screen and select “Use Application Login” from the dropdown menu. THEN enter username and password exactly as shown on the teacher’s roster spreadsheet. FINALLY, click on the word LOGIN and select the correct course copy icon to open the pre/post assessment.
Then students must follow these steps, in THIS order, to log in successfully: STEP 1. Click on the three dots beside the word LOGIN at the top right of the screen and select “Use Application Login” from the dropdown menu. STEP 2. Enter username and password exactly as shown on the teacher’s roster spreadsheet. Then students must follow these steps, in THIS order, to log in successfully: STEP 1. Click on the three dots beside the word LOGIN at the top right of the screen and select “Use Application Login” from the dropdown menu. STEP 2. Enter username and password exactly as shown on the teacher’s roster spreadsheet.
STEP 3. Click on the word LOGIN. Click on the course icon to open the course. Then click on the pretest/posttest icon to begin the assessment. STEP 3. Click on the word LOGIN. Click on the course icon to open the course, and then click on the pretest/posttest icon to begin the assessment.
Once the student has logged in to EbD-BUZZ, the splash page will look very similar to the teacher’s. The student should select the appropriate course. In this example, the student only has one course, Foundations of Technology, available. Once the student has logged in to EbD-BUZZ, the splash page will look very similar to the teacher’s. The student should select the appropriate course. In this example, the student only has one course, Foundations of Technology.
The student simply needs to click on the “Activities” icon on the course copy image, and the Pretest will become available. The student simply needs to click on the “Activities” icon in the grey navigation bar, and the Pretest will become available.
EbD-BUZZ Online Resources: For additional help, video tutorials, roster templates for download, and more: EbD-BUZZ Online Resources: We hope this video has helped acclimate you to this exciting new platform for delivering Engineering byDesign content. Please visit the EbD-BUZZ Online Resources webpage, where resources are begin added often in response to user inquiries. If you have questions that cannot be answered on the EbD-BUZZ Online Resources webpage, please contact For questions not answered above: EbD-BUZZ Technical Support: