Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Software framework for the F.L.C. detector study Generator Fast Simulation Simulation Reconstruction Analysis Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
What is Mokka? Developped at L.L.R. since the end of 1999. First designed to simulate a more realistic Ecal and a digital version of Hcal for Tesla with Geant4. Able to export this geometry to Brahms (automatic Fortran code generation). Became « de facto » the reference for the calorimetry studies shown in the T.D.R. Great news : became the detailed simulation tool for all detector modules for the F.L.C. AND for the Ecal and Hcal prototypes. Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Physics Mokka adopts now the recommended “High energy physics calorimetry list (LHEP)’, provided by the Geant4 hadronic working group. Almost the same simulation quality as the ealier Mokka releases(*) BUT now standard and referenced by the Geant4 team! LHEP and the “Physics Packaging library” becomes part of the Mokka standard distribution while it’s not yet officially in the Geant4 one. (*) Many thanks to Hans-Peter Wellisch (Geant4 team) advices and David Ward (Cambridge) independent tests. Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
The CGA API and the reconstruction Example, a 50 GeV pi in ECAL : the total number of X0 from the entrance point in ECAL is required Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
Mokka - new sub-detectors CMOS Vertex Detector (D. Grandjean, Lab. Capteurs CMOS, Strasbourg) Hcal GEM (Venkat, University of Texas at Arlington) TPC Digitalisation (collaboration between L.L.R. and DESY) Hcal Prototype (L.L.R.) Etc. New schemas for data persistency like Root Tree or SIO files, extending the ASCII native one for new user environments. Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique
MOKKA users around the World En France: L.L.R., Ecole Polytechnique L.P.C., Clermont, L.P.N.H.E., Paris, etc. DESY UK: Cambridge, Birmingham, London USA: Illinois, Texas, SLAC Russia: IHEP, Protvino Gabriel Musat L.L.R. – Ecole polytechnique