Title: Introduction to the aTmosphere EQ: How are the layers of the atmosphere different?
Everyday is a holiday! National Cake day!
A. Weather is a System Definition- the state of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place. Includes: a. types of clouds b. precipitation (rain, snow, sleet) c. storms, even dust storms d. moisture in air e. air pressure f. wind direction
The study of weather and the atmosphere is what branch of Earth Science? Meteorology
Give your best definition of WEATHER Give your best definition of WEATHER! “the state of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place.”
“Red sky at night, sailors delight Red sky in the morning, sailors warning”
Air Pressure- weight of air Humidity- amount of moisture Self Weathercasters Air Pressure- weight of air Changes in air pressure causes ears to pop Old people say their bones ache. Humidity- amount of moisture in the air Increased humidity makes hair wavy & curly Skin feels moist
B. Weather Scales a.) shows frostbite potential 1. Wind chill Scale= actual temp. vs temp. with wind a.) shows frostbite potential b.) frost bite- “frozen body tissue”
There are four degrees of frostbite. This is and example of fourth degree frost bite where only amputation of the affected area will save the patient.
C. Composition of the Atmosphere Nitrogen- most abundant gas= it’s stable Oxygen- 2nd most abundant Carbon Dioxide- used by plants Water vapor- produces clouds & rain Draw in Notes!
D. Structure of the Atmosphere 1. Different layers are defined by their temperatures.
a. Troposphere- “changing” 1. Temperature cools as elevation increases. 2. Earth’s clouds and weather occur. 3. High amount of density = high air pressure & air mass
What is the main difference that defines the layers of the Atmosphere What is the main difference that defines the layers of the Atmosphere? *different temperatures!
Why is the air pressure the HIGHEST in the troposphere Why is the air pressure the HIGHEST in the troposphere? Higher air density (more air molecules for gravity to act on).
Why isn’t there more Carbon Dioxide in the air Why isn’t there more Carbon Dioxide in the air? *Being used by plants & stored in water systems/animals
b. Stratosphere- “layers” 1 b. Stratosphere- “layers” 1. contains ozone layer (absorbs energy), causes temp. to increase with altitude
c. Mesosphere: ‘meso’- middle a c. Mesosphere: ‘meso’- middle a. Temperature cools as elevation increases. b. Friction of gases protects Earth from meteoroids
d. Thermosphere- “heat” a d. Thermosphere- “heat” a. absorbs a high amount of solar radiation = Temp. increases with altitude b. Northern lights (Auroras) c. Ionosphere- UV light from the sun causes gas molecules to become electrically charged particles (Ions)….. Provides radio communication!
Northern Lights- Aurora Borealis
Layers of the Atmosphere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CerJbZ-dm0
Layers of the Atmosphere Mural Materials: Red text Ruler Colored pencils Mural & Graph Packet
2.) Exosphere- “outer” portion, extends toward space.
E. Importance of the Atmosphere Stable environment Protection- sun & meteoroids Warmth- water can exist as a liquid
Greenhouse Gases: water vapor, CO2, methane
Beaufort scale self-cast Assignment Purpose : Learn to use a Meteorological scale to help forecast the weather. Obtain the Beaufort scale handout. Complete the scale drawings and descriptions. Make sure that all sketches are colored with detail. Use pg. 478 in the black text as a resource.
# 3 Unit 2 Essential Vocabulary Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Ionosphere Meteorology Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases Temperature inversion dew Weather Climate Ozone Insolation Wind chill Humidity Dew point Fog Cloud frost
B. Weather Scales & Models 1. Beaufort Scale- relates wind speed to the effects of land and sea.
Quiz 3 Template Know gasses that make up atmosphere. What layer contains the ozone? What layer does weather occur in? What is the BASIS for the division of atmosphere layers? What layer do you live in? What layer is responsible for the break up of meteors? Order the layer from lowest to highest. (place a arrow by each layer to represent whether temp. increases or decreases.) 8. Know the three greenhouse gases. & how the greenhouse effect works
“The Atmosphere” Video Questions What does the atmosphere block? Describe Bill’s “atmosphere cylinder” experiment, & what were his findings? How do pilot’s determine their current altitude? Describe the difference of air pressure between Death valley & on top of a mountain. Why the difference? Why do your ear’s pop in a plane? Order the five layers of the atmosphere from highest to lowest. Why is it warmer in low cities than in the high mountains? How are Earth’s atmosphere and a greenhouse similar? Bill must run around the track _______ times to simulate the height of the troposphere. Name three topics of the atmosphere that were described in the “weather rap.”