Google as a Hacking Tool James Lee
2 Advanced Searching
3 Operators filetype site +, -, OR wildcards * and.
4 Operators site: filetype:
5 Operators inurl intext intitle numrange
6 intext:LG3D numrange:2-7 intitle:livecd
7 Site Mapping site: !! wow!
8 Site Mapping -site:
9 Web Administration phpMyAdmin –intitle:phpMyAdmin "Welcome to phpMyAdmin" "running on * as phpNuke –inurl:admin.php There are no Administrators
10 If youre an administrator...
11 Please dont do this
12 Or this.
13 If youre a developer...
14 Please dont do this
15 Using the Google cache Everything so far had to request a page from the targets web server Using Googles cache, we can avoid this
16 Using the Google cache What exactly happens when we click on Cached pages?
17 That didnt work... This line gives a clue:
18 Using the Google cache Now the conversation is strictly between us and Google.
19 Using the Google cache The difference is &strip=1 No images are requested, only the text that Google keeps on their servers Now we can query anonymously –This means fewer entries in IDS logs
20 Conclusions Patches probably wont help Pay attention to your configuration If its not supposed to be public, protect it –put it on an internal development host –htaccess
21 References
Questions? Google as a Hacking Tool James Lee