Beginning of the Global Age: Europe, Africa, and Asia Ch. 14
Spices Moluccas – major place to get spices 1400’s – Arabs and Italians dominated the trade
Portugal Sails East Prince Henry – Portugal Cartographer – Portugal – first to explore the western coast of Africa Explain Prince Henry’s reasons for sailing East.
Christopher Columbus In search of faster way to Asia found the Americas Nina, Pinta, and ____________ Claimed the land for Spain (San Salvador) 1st Trip – 1492 2nd trip – 1493 came as an empire builder Caribbean into colonies
Dividing the Globe in Half Line of demarcation – Set by the Pope. Non European world into two zones Spain – West Portugal – East Treaty of Tordesillas Signed between Spain and Portugal
Other Explorers Pedro Alvarez Cabral - Brazil Claimed for Portugal Supplied sugar Amergio Vespucci – Eastern South America Ferdinand Magellan – 1st to sail around the world
Portugal gains Footholds Explain why the Portuguese establish a presence mainly along the African coast.
African Slave Trade Europeans Entered the slave trade – profitable Counted on the African rulers and traders to seize captives for exchange of textiles, rum, and weapons. Alfonso I ruler of the Kongo and Almany spoke out against the slave trade
New African States Asante Kingdom (present day Ghana) Managed a royal monopolies on Gold mining and slave trade Oyo Empire ( present day Nigeria) Gained wealth by trade
The European Presence Expands How did the European presence in Africa expand?
Portugal Eastern Empire Explain how the Portuguese controlled the Spice trade?
Rise of the Dutch Known for ships, sailing Dutch East Company – full sovereign powers (build armies, wage war, negotiate peace treaties, govern overseas territory) Explain how the Dutch build up a strong presence in Southeast Asia
Spain Identify why Spain was able to conquer the Philippines.
Mughal India and European Traders Explain how Britain gained controlled of India.
European contact with Ming China Explain how the Ming limited trade in Macao 1. gold and silver. Why? 2. supervision by imperial officials 3. ___________________________ Tried to convert the Chinese did not work
Qing Dynasty Manchus won support by supporting the Confucian system of government Economy expanded Population increased – potato and corn Internal trade increased Restricted trade with the Europeans Korea – chooses isolation Japan – Welcomed at first to only reject them after.