Middle East Review for Test Essay Topic: Conflicts in the Middle East (Persian Gulf War, Arab-Israeli Conflict etc.) Complete CASTELEARNING
1. Geography of Middle East Arid climate Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia, Cradle of Civilization). Sahara Desert, Nile River
2. Area of importance Crossroads of the Continents- trade Birthplace of religion- Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Oil reserves
3. Conflict in the Middle East Religious wars over holy land. Nationalism Oil Imperialism
4. PLO Palestinian Liberation Organization Yassir Arafat Wants to regain Palestine from the Jews. Terrorist organization
5. Arab Israeli Conflict Balfour declaration promised the land to the Jews. Zionism- establishment of a homeland for Jews. Gained support after Holocaust. Both claim their religion began there. Both claim they have an historical tie to the land. Conflict is unresolved. Continued Terrorist activities. Continued peace negotiations.
6. Camp David Accords First peace treaty in the Middle East. Israel- Begin, Egypt- Sadat, U.S.- Carter. Egypt officially recognizes Israel. Win Nobel Prize. Sadat assassinated
7. Iranian Revolution Shah tried to modernize and westernize.a Emancipated women. Overthrown- comes to U.S. Khomeini establishes an Islamic Fundamentalist government. Take 50 hostages for 444 days.
8. Iran-Iraq War Border dispute (Shatt al Arab waterway) Lasted 8 years. Iraq wins, but suffers huge losses. Iraq invades Kuwait (wealthy nation).
9. Libya Country tied to terrorism. 1986 President Reagan bombed terrorist training camps in Libya in retaliation for the bombing of a nightclub in Berlin where U.S. service men were killed.
10. Nationalism Cause of conflict in the Middle East. Arab-Israeli conflict- Arab nationalism and Jewish nationalism
11. Zionism 1898 founded by Theodor Herzel. Did not gain support until after the Holocaust. Created world wide support- led to the creation of Israel.
12. Gulf War Hussein invaded Kuwait (because of Iran-Iraq War). U.N. military action. Hussein removed from Kuwait. Allowed to remain in power. Economic sanctions.