Chapter 2 Section 3 Pages 191- 197 Muslim Ways of Life Chapter 2 Section 3 Pages 191- 197
I. Trade and Everyday Life Muslims: leading merchants in Middle East Merchants traded with China, south East Asia and India Carried spices, cloth, glass, steel, and carpets
A. The Success of Muslim Traders/merchants As Islam spread, so did Arabic language Arabic: language of trade Muslims used coins easy trade Kept records of deals/money made Led to banking
B. What Were Muslim Cities Like? Trade helped cities grow built on trade routes Cities: center for government Learning Art Mosques: place of worship (churches) schools courts Bazaars: marketplaces
C. Muslim Society Muslims divided into social groups Top: Government leaders, land owners, And traders Middle: Artisans, farmers, workers Bottom: enslaved people Muslims could not be slaves Slaves usually captives of war could buy freedom Men Role: ran government and business Women: ran home, could own property and inherit money
II. Muslim Achievements Mamun (Abbasid caliph) built House of Wisdom in Baghdad Christian, Jew, & Muslim scholars taught there Translated ancient works to Arabic
Mathematics and Science Muslims invented algebra Borrowed symbols 0 through 9 from Hindus Measured size of earth figured earth was round Muslims created chemistry Doctors discovered blood pumps/flows from heart Ibn Sina: showed how diseases spread from person to person