Day 1: Punctuation & Capitalization DGP 9 - Sentence 1 Day 1: Punctuation & Capitalization
their team will practice after school Sentence - Day 1 their team will practice after school Word Bank: Capital letter (1) Period (1)
Compare Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you punctuated and capitalized the sentence the same way.
Their team will practice after school. Correct Answer - Day 1 Capital Letter Their team will practice after school. Period
Last year, I learned punctuation (say how)… Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. Last year, I learned punctuation (say how)…
DGP 9 - Sentence 1 Day 2: Parts of Speech
Their team will practice after school Parts of Speech - Day 2 Their team will practice after school Word Bank: noun (2) pronoun (1) - type & case verb (2) - type & tense preposition (1)
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you labeled the parts of speech the same way.
Their team will practice after school. Parts of Speech - Day 2 Their team will practice after school. 3 poss pro n hv/f av/f n prep
I learned I need work with _______ as a part of speech. Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned I need work with _______ as a part of speech.
Day 3: Sentence Parts & Phrases DGP 9 – Sentence 1 Day 3: Sentence Parts & Phrases
Sentence Parts & Phrases - Day 3 Their team will practice after school. Word Bank: subject (1) verb (1) - transitive or intransitive prepositional phrase (1) - adverb or adjective object of the preposition
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the sentence parts and phrases the same.
Sentence Parts & Phrases - Day 3 Their team will practice (after school). S vi op adj prep ph
I learned a prepositional phrase…. Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned a prepositional phrase….
Day 4: Clauses & Sentence Types DGP 9 – Sentence 1 Day 4: Clauses & Sentence Types
Clauses & Sentence Types - Day 4 Their team will practice after school. Word Bank: clause (1) - dependent or independent sentence type - simple, compound, complex, compound-complex sentence purpose – declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you identified the clause & sentence type the same way.
Their team will practice after school. Clauses & Sentence Types - Day 4 Their team will practice after school. ind cl/ss
I learned an independent clause is… Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned an independent clause is…
Day 5: Diagramming &/or Quiz DGP 9 – Sentence 1 Day 5: Diagramming &/or Quiz
Sentence Diagram - Day 5 Subject Verb(s) Prep. Obj. of Prep Pronoun
Compare & Discuss Compare your answers to your neighbor’s answers to see if you diagrammed the sentence the same way.
Sentence Diagram - Day 5 team will practice after Their school
I learned a sentence diagram…. Reflection Explain the rules you learned and how you applied them to the sentence. I learned a sentence diagram….